Stock Price Growth definition

Stock Price Growth means, with respect to each Performance Period, the percentage growth in the Fair Market Value of Common Stock during such Performance Period as provided in Section B(iii) of this Exhibit, determined by reference to the closing market price of a share of Common Stock, as reported on the principal national securities exchange in the United States on which the Common Stock is then traded, on the last business day immediately preceding the beginning of the applicable Performance Period and to the closing market price of a share of Common Stock, as so reported, on the last business day of the applicable Performance Period.

Examples of Stock Price Growth in a sentence

  • Stock Price Growth Vesting CriteriaThe Stock Price Growth PSUs shall become earned and vested, and Shares shall be issued in settlement of the vested PSUs, if you have not incurred a Separation from Service prior to [●] (the “Stock Price Growth Vesting Date”).

  • If the actual Measurement Price as of your Separation of Service is below the $21.05, no portion of the unearned Stock Price Growth PSUs will vest.

  • If the Measurement Price determined as of the Change in Control is $21.05 or higher, then a portion of the unearned Stock Price Growth PSUs shall become immediately earned and vested as of the date of your Separation from Service.

  • The number of unearned Stock Price Growth PSUs to become earned and vested shall be determined by applying the greater of (1) the actual Measurement Price as of your Separation from Service or (2) $22.76 to determine the extent to which the applicable Measurement Price metrics set forth in paragraph (iii) under the Stock Price Growth Vesting Criteria portion of the Vesting Schedule have been satisfied as of the date of your Separation from Service.

  • The Board will rank the Company’s performance against the Absolute TSR Criterion as of December 31, 2025, and apply the award multiplier from the following table: Absolute TSR Stock Price Growth Award Payout Payout vs.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, no greater than [ ] % of the CAGR Stock Price Growth Shares may become earned and vested.

  • We note that you use Adjusted EPS, Relative TSR, and Relative Stock Price Growth as performance metrics for compensation.

  • No interpolation will be applied to the number of CAGR Stock Price Growth Shares earned during the Performance Period.

  • The Board will rank the Company’s performance against the Absolute TSR Criterion as of March 15, 2024, and apply the award multiplier from the following table: Absolute TSR Stock Price Growth Award Payout Payout vs.

  • The Board will rank the Company’s performance against the Absolute TSR Criterion as of December 31, 2024, and apply the award multiplier from the following table: Absolute TSR Stock Price Growth Award Payout Payout vs.

Related to Stock Price Growth

  • Stock Price shall have the meaning specified in Section 14.03(c).

  • Common Stock Price means the volume weighted average closing price of the Common Stock as reported by the NYSE American for the 10 trading days immediately preceding the date on which the determination is made.

  • Average Stock Price means the average of the closing prices of a Share, as reported on NASDAQ (or such other stock exchange as is applicable), for the forty-five (45) trading day period immediately preceding the date for which the Average Stock Price is being determined hereunder.

  • Average Parent Stock Price means the average of the volume weighted averages of the trading prices of Parent Common Stock, as such price is reported on the NYSE Composite Transaction Tape (as reported by Bloomberg Financial Markets or such other source as the parties shall agree in writing), for the 15 trading days ending on the third trading day immediately preceding the Effective Time.

  • Total Shareholder Return means the total return (change in share price plus reinvestment of any dividends) of a Share.

  • TSR means, for each of the Company and the Peer Companies, the company’s total shareholder return, expressed as a percentage, which will be calculated by dividing (i) the Closing Average Share Value by (ii) the Opening Average Share Value and subtracting one from the quotient.

  • Closing Stock Price means the Stock Price as of the last day of any Performance Measurement Period.

  • Total Stockholder Return means the total return (change in share price plus reinvestment of any dividends) of a share of the Company’s common stock.

  • Revenue Growth means the percentage change in revenue (as defined in Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 6, published by the Financial Accounting Standards Board) from one period to another.

  • Relative Total Shareholder Return or “Relative TSR” means the Company’s TSR compared to the Peer Companies TSR on a relative basis. The Company and the Peer Companies from highest to lowest according to their respective TSRs will determine Relative TSR. After this ranking, the percentile performance of the Company relative to the Peer Companies will be determined using the Percentrank formula in Microsoft Excel.

  • Ending Stock Price means the average of the closing price of the applicable stock for the 90 calendar days up to and including the last day of the Performance Period.

  • Beginning Stock Price means the average of the closing prices of the Common Stock or the shares of the Peer Group, as applicable, for the 20 trading days ending on the trading date immediately preceding the first day of the Performance Period.

  • Parent Stock Price means the volume weighted average price per share of the Parent Common Stock on the NYSE for the ten consecutive trading days ending on the complete trading day immediately prior to the Closing Date.

  • ROIC means Return on Invested Capital and represents a ratio of Adjusted net income to Average Invested Capital. The Company believes this is a useful profitability measure as it excludes non-cash expenses (income) from both the numerator and denominator.

  • Purchaser Stock Price means, with respect to any Common Stock Fundamental Change, the average of the daily Closing Price for one share of the common stock received by holders of the Common Stock in such Common Stock Fundamental Change during the 10 Trading Days immediately prior to the date fixed for the determination of the holders of the Common Stock entitled to receive such common stock or, if there is no such date, prior to the date upon which the holders of the Common Stock shall have the right to receive such common stock.

  • Applicable Stock Price means, in respect of a Conversion Date, the average of the Closing Sale Prices per share of Common Stock over the five-Trading Day period starting the third Trading Day following such Conversion Date.

  • EPS means earnings per share.

  • Share Price means any price of the Share as published by the Exchange.

  • Stock Value means an amount equal to (a) 25% multiplied by (b) (i) the Closing Purchase Price, minus (ii) the Financial Debt, minus (iii) the Transaction Expenses.

  • Make-Whole Acquisition Stock Price means the price paid per share of Common Stock in the event of a Make-Whole Acquisition. If the holders of shares of Common Stock receive only cash in the Make-Whole Acquisition in a single per-share amount, other than with respect to appraisal and similar rights, the Make-Whole Acquisition Stock Price shall be the cash amount paid per share of Common Stock. For purposes of the preceding sentence as applied to a Make-Whole Acquisition of the type set forth in clause (a) of the definition Make-Whole Acquisition, a single price per share of Common Stock shall be deemed to have been paid only if the transaction or transactions that caused the Make-Whole Acquisition to occur was a tender offer for more than 50% of the then-outstanding Common Stock. Otherwise, the Make-Whole Acquisition Stock Price shall be the average of the Closing Price per share of Common Stock on the ten Trading Days up to, but not including, the Make-Whole Acquisition Effective Date.

  • Common Share Price means the volume weighted average closing price of the Common Stock (as reported by the Primary Exchange on which the Common Stock is then traded) for the ten (10) trading days immediately preceding the date on which the determination is made (or, if such price is not available, as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors).

  • Average Closing Price means the average of the closing market prices of a Share over the last five (5) Market Days on which transactions in the Shares were recorded on the SGX-ST immediately preceding the date of the Market Purchase by the Company or, as the case may be, the date of the making of the offer pursuant to the Off-Market Purchase, and deemed to be adjusted for any corporate action that occurs after the relevant five-day period; and

  • Fully Diluted Weighted Average Basis means, when calculating the number of Outstanding Units for any period, a basis that includes (a) the weighted average number of Outstanding Units during such period plus (b) all Partnership Interests and Derivative Partnership Interests (i) that are convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for Units or for which Units are issuable, in each case that are senior to or pari passu with the Subordinated Units, (ii) whose conversion, exercise or exchange price, if any, is less than the Current Market Price on the date of such calculation, (iii) that may be converted into or exercised or exchanged for such Units prior to or during the Quarter immediately following the end of the period for which the calculation is being made without the satisfaction of any contingency beyond the control of the holder other than the payment of consideration and the compliance with administrative mechanics applicable to such conversion, exercise or exchange and (iv) that were not converted into or exercised or exchanged for such Units during the period for which the calculation is being made; provided, however, that for purposes of determining the number of Outstanding Units on a Fully Diluted Weighted Average Basis when calculating whether the Subordination Period has ended or Subordinated Units are entitled to convert into Common Units pursuant to Section 5.7, such Partnership Interests and Derivative Partnership Interests shall be deemed to have been Outstanding Units only for the four Quarters that comprise the last four Quarters of the measurement period; provided, further, that if consideration will be paid to any Group Member in connection with such conversion, exercise or exchange, the number of Units to be included in such calculation shall be that number equal to the difference between (x) the number of Units issuable upon such conversion, exercise or exchange and (y) the number of Units that such consideration would purchase at the Current Market Price.

  • Peer Group means the group of companies, as more particularly set forth on attached Exhibit A, against which the Relative Total Shareholder Return of the Company is measured over the Incentive Period.