Sri Lanka currency definition

Sri Lanka currency means currency which is expressed or drawn in Sri Lanka rupees;

Examples of Sri Lanka currency in a sentence

  • Any person in, or resident in, Sri Lanka may take out of, or bring into Sri Lanka, respectively, Sri Lanka currency up to the value of Sri Lanka Rupees 20,000.

  • Commercial banks may maintain an amount over and above two per centum of the average deposit liabilities specified in Regulation 4 above but not exceeding four per centum thereof as a part of its required reserves in the form of Sri Lanka currency notes and coins.

  • Such amount of currency notes and coins shall be the average holding of Sri Lanka currency notes and coins calculated for the respective computation period.

  • Where the offence is committed wilfully or knowingly, or with knowledge that the act will cause damage or harm to any other person, to rigorous imprisonment for a term not less than three years and not more than five years and to a fine of rupees two million or twice the aggregate amount in Sri Lanka currency revealed or divulged to have been received from the participants in the Scheme, whichever is higher.

  • Conditions of Reproduction - A person, who satisfies the conditions specified in sections 3.2 to 3.7 below, may be permitted to reproduce Sri Lanka currency notes for purposes given in section 3.1, subject to the approval of the Monetary Board or as stated otherwise.

  • If the film is a co-production with Sri Lanka, the proceeds of the sale of film should be declared and be paid in Sri Lanka currency in which, such sale is negotiated.

  • All institutions should ensure that all their officers who are involved in handling currency are well informed about the contents of this circular with immediate effect.For any clarification on the instructions or guidelines in this circular, and information on recognizing genuine Sri Lanka currency notes, please contact the following officers of the Currency Department.Superintendent0112477355Addl.

  • Also, as per Article 8 (Regulation of certain transactions) (1) A person in, or resident in, Sri Lanka shall–(a) export from Sri Lanka or import into Sri Lanka, any foreign currency or Sri Lanka currency; (b) hold foreign exchange in his possession or in a bank account in Sri Lanka, only for suchpurpose, up to such limits and subject to such terms and conditions, as may be prescribed by the Minister by an Order published in the Gazette.

  • Personnel may be assigned to teams according to their demonstrated competence in, for example:• recovery of ICT systems;• training appropriate for incident response and business recovery personnel includes:• incident assessment;• evacuation and shelter in place management, if applicable to the scope;• arrangements at alternate worksites;• techniques for handling internal and external communications effectively;• dealing with people aspects (see ISO/TS 22330).

  • Obtained approval from the Monetary Board for a policy on reproduction of Sri Lanka currency notes by various entities and persons for permitted purposes, subject to conditions stipulated by the Monetary Board.

Related to Sri Lanka currency

  • Domestic Currency means the currency specified as such and any successor currency. If no currency is so specified, the Domestic Currency shall be the lawful currency and any successor currency of (i) the relevant Reference Entity, if the Reference Entity is a Sovereign, or (ii) the jurisdiction in which the relevant Reference Entity is organised, if the Reference Entity is not a Sovereign. In no event shall Domestic Currency include any successor currency if such successor currency is the lawful currency of any of Canada, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States of America or the euro (or any successor currency to any such currency).

  • Fiat Currency means a currency issued by a country's government or central bank.

  • Base Currency means the first currency in the Currency Pair against which the Client buys or sells the Quote Currency.

  • Primary Currency has the meaning specified in Section 9.11(c).

  • First Currency has the meaning specified in Section 1.15.

  • Termination Currency means United States Dollars.

  • Denomination Currency has the meaning specified in Section 14(b).

  • Not Domestic Currency means any obligation that is payable in any currency other than the Domestic Currency.

  • Original Currency has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.17.

  • Applicable Currency means as to any particular payment or Loan, Dollars or the Alternative Currency in which such payment or Loan is denominated or is payable.

  • Reference Currency means the currency specified as such in the applicable Final Terms.

  • Quote Currency means the second currency in the Currency Pair which can be bought or sold by the Client for the Base Currency.

  • National Currency means the currency, other than the Euro, of a Participating Member State.

  • Australian Dollars means the lawful currency of Australia.

  • Index Currency means USD.

  • Balance Currency means the currency that the trading account is denominated in and all charges including spreads, commissions and swaps, are calculated in that currency.

  • Available Currency means Dollars.

  • Approved Currency means each of Dollars and each Alternate Currency.

  • Offshore Currency means any lawful currency (other than dollars) that the relevant Issuing Bank with respect to any Offshore Currency Letter of Credit, in its sole reasonable opinion, at any time determines to be (a) freely traded in the offshore interbank foreign exchange markets, (b) freely transferable and (c) freely convertible into dollars.

  • Specified Currency means the currency specified as such hereon or, if none is specified, the currency in which the Notes are denominated.

  • Second Currency has the meaning specified in Section 14.19.

  • Party A Currency Amount In respect of each Party A Calculation Period, an amount in Dollars equal to the principal amount outstanding of the Relevant Notes on the first day of such Calculation Period (after taking into account any redemption on such day).

  • Optional Currency means a currency (other than the Base Currency) which complies with the conditions set out in Clause 4.3 (Conditions relating to Optional Currencies).

  • Issue Currency or "SEK" means Swedish Krona. "Launch Date" means 04 March 2022.

  • Obligation Currency shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 11.18(a).

  • Canadian Dollars means the lawful currency of Canada.