Skid trail definition

Skid trail means a route used by tracked or wheeled skidders to move logs to a landing or road.
Skid trail means constructed trails or established paths used by tractors or other vehicles for skidding logs.
Skid trail means a cleared trail that is used by logging equipment during a logging operation to transport harvested trees and logs to a log landing.

Examples of Skid trail in a sentence

  • Skid trail approaches to water crossings shall be located and designed so as to prevent water runoff from directly entering the water body or tributary stream.

  • Skid trail crossings of tributary streams within shoreland areas and wetlands adjacent to such streams may be undertaken in a manner not in conformity with the requirements of the foregoing subsections provided persons conducting such activities take reasonable measures to avoid the disruption of shoreline integrity, the occurrence of sedimentation of water, and the disturbance of stream banks, stream channels, shorelines, and soil lying within ponds and wetlands.

  • Skid trail restrictions are to minimize damage to root systems and stems of residual trees.

  • Skid trail crossings, other than those areas below the normal high water line of water bodies, must avoid freshwater wetlands and must maintain the existing hydrology of such wetlands, unless there are no reasonable alternatives, as determined by the Bureau in a written decision prior to construction.

  • Skid trail approaches to water crossings must be located and designed so as to prevent water runoff from directly entering the water body or tributary stream.

More Definitions of Skid trail

Skid trail means a route used by tracked or wheeled skidders to move logs to a landing or road. "Slash" means pieces of woody material containing more than 3 cubic feet resulting from forest practices activities.
Skid trail means a temporary pathway principally used to drag or transport felled trees or logs or other material to a landing.
Skid trail means a path built for log skidding or caused by skidding equipment’s use.
Skid trail means a path built for log skidding or caused by the use of skidding equipment.
Skid trail means a path established by multiple passes used by harvesting equipment to transport logs or trees from the stump to a landing or log deck.
Skid trail means a pathway used to remove harvested timber from a point near where trees were felled. Skid trails are
Skid trail means a route used by ground-based machinery to move logs to a landing or road.