Examples of Signed Agreement in a sentence
In the event of any conflict between the Contract and a Signed Agreement, the Signed Agreement shall govern and control.
Contents of the Signed Agreement: The purchase order and the bidders’ specifications will be combined to form the complete contract when the award is made.
XXXXXXX agrees to be bound by the electronic signature of their authorized representative contained in the Signed Agreement Affidavit, and by doing so, represent and warrant that they accept and agree to the terms contained in this entire agreement and have been or are specifically authorized to execute the agreement on behalf the organization they represent.
In case of conflict between any of the Contract Documents, priority of interpretation shall be in the following order unless otherwise provided: Signed Agreement, Performance & Payment Bonds, Special Bonds (if any), Proposal, Special Conditions of Agreement, Notice to Contractors, Technical Specifications, Plans, and General Conditions of Agreement.
The contract's documents shall consist of the Notice to Offerors, General Instructions to Offerors, Proposal, Signed Agreement, Statutory Bonds (if required), General Conditions of the Agreement, Special Conditions of the Agreement (if any), Specifications, Plans, Insurance Certificates, and all other documents made available to Offeror for inspection in accordance with the Notice to Offerors.
IRIS Provider Education - Health and Safety - Incident Reporting - Signed Agreement.
In the absence of a Signed Agreement, the Contract sets forth the entirety of Buyer’s offer, or if Vendor has submitted its own sales offer, Buyer’s counteroffer to purchase the Services or Goods.
The General Proposal contains the following parts and as detailed in Clause 5 above. Part 1: General forms for submission, and other documents and obligations as described in Clause 5 above. Part 2: Technical Proposal – Submission of the Technical Proposal in accordance with VOLUME C and E, Together with copies of VOLUME F, G, H and I. Part 3: The Tender initialized and stamped by the Participant's company stamp on each page, including all Appendices and submissions. Part 4: Signed Agreement.
Signature of Employee: Date: Daytime Telephone Number: **Approving Official/Supervisor/Budget Representative (for Department of Defense Education Activity Employees) Signature (when required): Signature Date: Printed Name Submitting Your Signed Agreement.
Please return both pages by email to members@australianpork.com.au or by post to PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604Pig Slaughter Levy Declaration and Signed Agreement and AcknowledgementPlease complete either PART B: PigPass Consent or PART C: Statutory Declaration below.