SCUBA definition

SCUBA means self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
SCUBA means self-contained underwater breathing apparatus and includes all forms of self-contained underwater breathing apparatuses, e.g., re-breathers, open-circuit, semi-closed or closed circuit or
SCUBA means a self-contained open-circuit underwater breathing apparatus; (appareil de plongée autonome)

Examples of SCUBA in a sentence

  • See also CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE obvious danger, 211, 215 provincial regulations, 82 rules, 78 SCUBA, 78, 105, 137, 304-306 warning signage, 101, 211, 213 DUTY OF CARE.

  • Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Recipient to ensure that any SCUBA diving activities under this award meet, at a minimum, all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations pertaining to the type of SCUBA diving being undertaken.

  • In addition, for any Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) diving activities in a project, it is the responsibility of the Recipient to ensure that SCUBA divers are certified to a level commensurate with the type and conditions of the diving activity being undertaken.

More Definitions of SCUBA

SCUBA. This Amendment No. 1 modifies the Contract only as expressly set forth herein. Wherever there is a conflict in the terms or conditions between this Amendment No. 1 and the Contract, the terms and conditions of this Amendment No. 1 prevail. In all other respects, the terms and conditions of the Contract not specifically changed by this Amendment No. 1 remain in full force and effect.
SCUBA. This Amendment No. 1 modifies the Contract only as expressly set forth herein. Wherever there is a conflict in the terms or conditions between this Amendment No. 1 and the Contract, the terms and conditions of this Amendment No. 1 prevail. In all other respects, the terms and conditions of the Contract not specifically changed by this Amendment No. 1 remain in full force and effect. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS County of Orange, Health Care Agency Contract MA-042-20010233 SIGNATURE PAGE
SCUBA means a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus; (“scaphandre autonome”) “sledding” means a diving technique in which a diver who uses S.C.U.B.A. and a dive sled is
SCUBA means any diving apparatus that is a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
SCUBA means self-contained underwater breathing apparatus in which the supply of breathing mixture carried by the diver is independent of any other source;
SCUBA means self-contained underwater breathing apparatus used in underwater diving;
SCUBA means self-contained underwater breathing apparatus; “scuba tank” means a cylinder or tank containing breathing quality