Scholarly Article definition

Scholarly Article means a work that describes the fruits of University Faculty Members’ scholarship and research; is deemed a form ofTraditional Works of Scholarship” in the University of Maryland Intellectual Property Policy (IV-3.20[A]); and is given to the world for the sake of inquiry and knowledge by the University Faculty Member without expectation of payment. Such articles are typically presented in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and conference proceedings.

Examples of Scholarly Article in a sentence

  • Muddiman)2016 Bill Eadie Distinguished Award for a Scholarly Article, Applied Communication Division, National Communication Association (co-authored with J.

  • Upon written direction by a University Faculty Member, submitted to the University Libraries, the Equitable Access License will be waived by the University for a specific Scholarly Article.

  • Upon written direction by a University Faculty Member submitted to the University Libraries, access to a Scholarly Article covered under this Policy will be removed, delayed, or embargoed for a specified period of time.

  • No later than the date of publication for a Scholarly Article, the University Faculty Member will provide an electronic copy of the University Faculty Member’s Author Accepted Manuscript to the University Libraries, at no charge, in an appropriate format, such as PDF.

  • NIHMS209280 (NCA Applied Communication Division's 2011 Bill Eadie Distinguished Award for a Scholarly Article) Hecht, M.L. (2009).

  • The University will make the Scholarly Article available to the public in an open access repository.

  • Set of Original+2 copies of clean on board Bill of lading/Airway bill made in the name of MDL and marked as freight paid with consignee as MDL.

  • If you are uncertain about whether you can buy or sell the Company’s units or securities of another company that you learn about through working at Cedar Fair, you should contact the Legal Department before buying or selling.

  • Scholarly Article Critique:Each student will review and critique an Organizational Development scholarly article; articles will be provided by the facilitator.

  • Hubbell Prize for best article in Civil War History, 2010• ACLS/Ryskamp Fellowship, 2010-2011• Binkley-Stephenson Award for Best Scholarly Article in the Journal of American History, Organization of American Historians, 2007• Kluge Postdoctoral Fellowship, Library of Congress, 2004-2005• J.

Related to Scholarly Article

  • Covered article means any hardware, software, or service that–

  • Model Articles means the model articles for private companies limited by guarantee contained in Schedule 2 of the Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/3229) as amended prior to the date of adoption of these Articles;

  • Single-service articles means cups, containers, lids, closures, plates, knives, forks, spoons, stirrers, paddles, straws, napkins, wrapping materials, toothpicks, and similar articles intended for one-time, one-person use and then discarded.

  • Company Articles means the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, as amended.

  • Public Art means art that shall be accessible to the public, and includes all forms of original creations of visual art, conceived in any medium, material, or combination thereof, including paintings, drawings, stained glass, and murals in any media; statues, bas relief, mobile, kinetic, electronic, neon, or other sculptures; environmental artworks; fountains, arches or other structures intended for ornament; integrated and functional architectural elements of a structure; video and other media-based works; inscriptions, fiber works, carvings, mosaics, photographs, drawings, collages, textile works and prints; crafts, both decorative and utilitarian in clay, fiber, wood, metal, glass, stone, plastic and other materials; artist-designed public spaces and functional elements which are either a part of a larger project or a separate entity in and of itself.

  • the Articles means these Articles of Association of the Academy Trust;

  • these Articles means these articles of association as altered from time to time and the expression “this article” shall be construed accordingly;

  • Commercial derivative military article means an item acquired by the Department of Defense that is or will be produced using the same production facilities, a common supply chain, and the same or similar production processes that are used for the production of articles predominantly used by the general public or by nongovernmental entities for purposes other than governmental purposes.

  • prohibited article means an article the introduction or removal of which into or out of a prison is prohibited by any rule under this Act.

  • Regulated article means any article of any character carrying or capable of carrying the Boll Weevil, including, but not limited to, cotton plants, seed cotton, cottonseed, other hosts, gin trash, gin equipment, mechanical cotton pickers, and other equipment associated with cotton production, harvesting, or processing.

  • Redeemable means, with respect to any Equity Interest, any Debt or any other right or Obligation, any such Equity Interest, Debt, right or Obligation that (a) the issuer has undertaken to redeem at a fixed or determinable date or dates, whether by operation of a sinking fund or otherwise, or upon the occurrence of a condition not solely within the control of the issuer or (b) is redeemable at the option of the holder.

  • Automobile Headliner Adhesive means an aerosol adhesive designed to bond together layers in motor vehicle headliners.

  • CDDP means "Community Developmental Disabilities Program".

  • Place of primary use means the street address representative of where the customer's use of the telecommunications service primarily occurs, which must be the residential street address or the primary business street address of the customer. For mobile wireless services, place of primary use must be within the licensed service area of the home service provider.

  • Out-of-home placement means a child's placement in a home or facility other than the child's parent, guardian, or legal custodian.

  • Amended Articles means the amended articles of JMB, reflecting the alterations to the Original Articles as provided for in the Plan, substantially in the form attached as Schedule “A” to the Plan;

  • Place of public worship means property used primarily for the purposes of congregation, excluding a structure that is primarily used for educational instruction in which secular or religious education is the primary instructive medium: Provided that the property is-

  • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children means: • Protecting children from maltreatment• Preventing impairment of children’s mental or physical health or development• Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care• Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

  • Registered apprenticeship program means an apprenticeship program which is registered with and approved by the United States Department of Labor and which provides each trainee with combined classroom and on-the-job training in an occupation recognized as an apprenticeable trade and meets the program standards of enrollment and graduation under 29 C.F.R. s.29.6.

  • Healing arts means the arts and sciences dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure

  • Characterizing flavor means a taste or aroma, other than the taste

  • Place of public assembly means a building used for social gatherings, religious purposes or indoor recreation by 50 or more persons;

  • Practitioner of the healing arts or "practitioner" means a

  • Table of Contents is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached “Table of Contents” (identified by “SA-10”).

  • Standard Plan means the insurance plan with terms and conditions and the benefit schedule equivalent to the minimum compliant product requirements of VHIS, which are from time to time published and subject to regular review by the Government.