Examples of Place of public worship in a sentence
Under this zoning permissible and open for consideration uses include; “Childcare facility, Cultural/recreational building and uses, Education, Media recording and general media associated uses, Office, Place of public worship, Science and technology based industry, Training centre, Warehousing”.
Buildings for the health, safety and welfare of the public, Childcare facility, Community facility, Cultural/recreational building and uses, Education, Embassy residential, Enterprise centre, Halting site, Home-based economic activity, Medical and related consultants, Open space, park-and-ride facility, Place of public worship, Public service installation, Residential, Shop (local), Training centre”.
Open for Consideration Uses:Advertisement and advertising structures, Car trading, Civic and amenity/recycling centre, Factory shop, Funeral home, Garage (motor repair/service), Nightclub, Office, Outdoor poster advertising, Petrol station, Place of public worship, Public house, Residential, Veterinary surgery, Warehousing (retail/non-food)/Retail Park, Warehousing.
PORTION 2 OF ERF 3019, PRETORIA Use zone XIV (Special) for (1) Residential buildings (2) Shops (3) Place of instruction (4) Place of public worship (5) Place of refreshment (6) Sports grounds (7).
Council staff are not aware of any plans to sell off the air space above the area zoned SP1 Place of public worship.