Risk Commencement Date definition

Risk Commencement Date means the date specified in the Schedule on which the risk under this Policy commences.
Risk Commencement Date means the date given in the Schedule from which We accept the risk on the life of the Insured.
Risk Commencement Date means the date on which the Insurance Cover under this Policy commences in respect of an Insured Member hereto;

Examples of Risk Commencement Date in a sentence

  • We shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim under this benefit in respect of an Insured Person, directly or indirectly for, caused by, arising from or in any way attributable to any of the following: Any Illness arising within first 30 days of the Risk Commencement Date; Day care treatments are excluded from the scope of this Benefit.

  • This Waiting Period commences at the Risk Commencement Date and concurrently with the first 30 days of the Risk Commencement Date specified in Exclusion (a) of this Section.

  • Any reasonable belief that the Insured Person was aware that such loss of Income was likely to happen, whether or not any official communication was provided, at the time of Risk Commencement Date.

  • The Insured Person is employed on the direct payroll of an organization or entity having a registered office in India for a minimum of six continuous months before the Risk Commencement Date, or of an Indian branch of such organization or entity.

  • We shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim under the Policy in respect of an Insured Person, directly or indirectly for, caused by, arising from or in any way attributable to any of the following: Any Illness or Critical Illness arising within first 30 days of the Risk Commencement Date.

More Definitions of Risk Commencement Date

Risk Commencement Date means the date given in the Schedule from which We accept the risk under this Master Policy and Riders, if any.
Risk Commencement Date is the date as shown in the Policy Schedule when risk cover on the life of the Life Insured begins under this Policy.
Risk Commencement Date means the date given in the Schedule from which We accept the risk
Risk Commencement Date means the date as specified in the Policy Schedule, on which the insurance coverage under this Policy commences.
Risk Commencement Date. Risk Commencement Date means the date specified in the Certificate of Insurance on which Our coverage under the Policy in respect of the Insured Person named in the Certificate of Insurance commences.
Risk Commencement Date in respect of a Life Assured refers to a date as stated in the Certificate of Assurance, from which the Assurance of the Life Assured under this Supplementary Contract has become effective.
Risk Commencement Date. Risk Commencement Date means the date specified in the Certificate of Insurance on which the Coverage Period and Our coverage under the Policy in respect of the Insured Person commences. Salaried Individuals: Salaried Individuals means those Insured Persons who work for an employer as an employee or a worker, whether confirmed or on probation, as on the Risk Commencement Date, and earn a fixed amount of compensation at a fixed frequency as salary. Such fixed amount of compensation should be evidenced by such Salaried Individual’s ITR (Income Tax Return) for the preceding year(s).