Reducer definition

Reducer means the solvent added to dilute a coating, usually for the purpose of lowering the viscosity of a coating.
Reducer means any solvent added to a coating which has the effect of reducing the viscosity of the coating or shortening the drying time.
Reducer means the assets, undertakings, property and rights of the Corporation of every kind and description, including the contracts to which the Corporation is a party or has rights or obligations under, and including any patents, patent applications, industrial designs or industrial design applications, trademarks, copyrights or any other intellectual property rights, and all other assets in respect of the Corporation’s Reducer product;

Examples of Reducer in a sentence

  • Evaporation Reducer: Liquid thin-film-forming compound that reduces rapid moisture loss caused by high temperature, low humidity, and high winds; intended for application immediately after concrete placement.

  • Reducer / wire pin terminals shall be avoided for MCB terminations.

  • The backstop device is usually enclosed in the Shaft Mounted Speed Reducer and is accessible through a cover on the backside of the gear reducer on the opposite end of the input shaft.

  • Given that the permittee has maintained records of the monthly Wash Primer Reducer usage, compliance with the rolling, 12-month summation, shall begin immediately upon issuance of this permit.

  • Reducer fittings shall not reduce the cross-sectional area of the small size.

  • The slumps shall be as follows: Part of Work Slump (inches)Footings and Slabs 3-inches + 1/2-inches,- 1 inch.Other Work 3-inches + 1-inch.With High Range Water Reducer Added 8-inches maximum.

  • Emission Limitation - The Wash Primer Catalyst Reducer, Product Number R7K44, usage shall not exceed 4,000 gallons for the entire facility as a rolling, 12-month summation.

  • If the Speed Reducer was disassembled only to replace damaged seals after a short period of service, it is not necessary to replace the bearings.

  • Operational Restrictions The maximum annual Wash Primer Catalyst Reducer, Product Number R7K44, shall not exceed 4,000 gallons, as a rolling, 12-month summation for this entire facility.

  • If a part is questionable, it is better to replace it rather than take a chance on premature failure when the Speed Reducer is placed back in service.

More Definitions of Reducer

Reducer means the device known as Neovasc Reducer that is used as the intervention device in the COSIRA-II trial sponsored by Corporation for the Primary Indication having identifier NCT05102019.
Reducer means the solvent used to thin enamel.
Reducer means any solvent that is used to thin enamels.

Related to Reducer

  • Life-cycle cost means the expected total cost of ownership during the life of a product, including disposal costs.

  • apron means a defined area intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance;

  • Upgrade means a major version upgrade of any Platform software.

  • Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.

  • Bottom ash means ash falling through the grate or transported by the grate “CEM” Continuous emission monitor