Examples of Rate Year in a sentence
Adjustments may be made each Rate Year to update rates and shall be made in accordance with the Hospital Contract in effect on that date.
If the Approved Regulated Revenue exceeds the Hospital’s actual regulated revenue, the amount of the excess will be added to the Hospital’s Approved Regulated Revenue for the subsequent Rate Year as a One Time Adjustment.
Approved Regulated Revenue Compliance and Related Adjustments: For each Rate Year, the Hospital’s Approved Regulated Revenue will be compared to the Hospital’s actual regulated revenue for the particular Rate Year.
Such payment amount is determined by EOHHS based on data filed by each qualifying Hospital in its financial and cost reports, and projected Medicaid volume for the Hospital Rate Year.
This limit may be extended to ten percent (10%) at the discretion of the HSCRC staff if the Hospital presents satisfactory evidence that it would not otherwise be able to achieve its approved total revenue for the Rate Year.