Printed Paper definition

Printed Paper means any material that is not packaging, but is printed with text or graphics as a medium for communicating information, Supplied to Consumers, and includes, but is not limited to:
Printed Paper means paper sold, offered for sale, delivered, or distributed
Printed Paper means paper that is not packaging, but is printed with text or graphics as a medium for communicating information, and includes telephone directories, but does not include

Examples of Printed Paper in a sentence

  • Printed Paper does not include bound reference books, bound literary books, or bound textbooks.

  • Stewards who fail to Register with MMSM are prohibited from Supplying Designated Printed Paper and Packaging to Consumers.

  • Since the independence India has introduced various government bodies to control and promote the international trade.

  • Participating FFI groupA participating FFI group is• an expanded affiliated group that includes one or more participating FFIs; or• an expanded affiliated group in which one or more members of the group is a reporting Model 1 FFI and each member of the group that isan FFI is a registered deemed-compliant FFI, non-reporting IGA FFI, limited FFI, or retirement fund described in §1.1471-6(f) [these are the Exempt Beneficial Owner categories of retirement fund].

  • Stewards are required to report and pay for all Designated Printed Paper and Packaging Supplied to Consumers from the time the Steward begins Supplying the Designated Printed Paper and Packaging for a maximum of five years prior to the current calendar year.5 Penalties and interest will be applied in accordance with the Penalty and Interest Policy.

  • This obligation applies regardless of whether the Steward has sufficient records to substantiate the Supplied quantities of Printed Paper and Packaging during prior years.

  • If there is more than one Brand Owner for the same Printed Paper and Packaging, the Brand Owner more directly connected to the production of the Printed Paper and Packaging shall be deemed to be the Steward.

  • A Franchisor is obligated to report for its Manitoba Franchisees with respect to all Printed Paper and Packaging which is Supplied to Consumers within the Franchisor’s Manitoba Franchise System.

  • A Steward who begins Supplying Designated Printed Paper and Packaging must Register with MMSM within 60 days and comply with the Onboarding Policy.

  • The following Persons are designated as Stewards for Printed Paper and Packaging.

More Definitions of Printed Paper

Printed Paper means annual report, books, catalog, direct mail, newspaper, or periodical;
Printed Paper means reproductions on paper, cardboard or other materials commonly used in printing produced in several identical copies.

Related to Printed Paper

  • Format C: Format for the Bidder (Single Firm / Partner(s) in case of Joint Venture) for technical experience in compliance to para 1.01 (III) {(i) or (ii) or (iii)} of Annexure-A to BDS (Volume-I : Section-III) [In case of Joint Venture bidder, the QR data of each of the partner (in support of meeting the requirement of para 1.01 (III) (iv) of Annexure-A to BDS (Volume-I : Section-III)] is also is to furnished, as applicable, using this format. The bidder (Single Firm / Partner(s) in case of Joint Venture) who is willing to qualify in compliance to para 1.01 (III) {(ii) or (iii)} above shall fill below format for two or all three contracts.

  • Ink means a coating applied by a roll printer.

  • Printed Name Signature: Date:

  • Electronic Record and “Electronic Signature” shall have the meanings assigned to them, respectively, by 15 USC §7006, as it may be amended from time to time.

  • digital content means data which are produced and supplied in digital form;

  • Descriptive literature means information provided by an offeror, such as cuts, illustrations, drawings, and brochures that shows a product’s characteristics or construction of a product or explains its operation. The term includes only that information needed to evaluate the acceptability of the product and excludes other information for operating or maintaining the product.

  • Manifest tracking number means the alphanumeric identification number (i.e., a unique three letter suffix preceded by nine numerical digits), which is pre-printed in Item 4 of the Manifest by a registered source.

  • Facsimile (FAX) prescription means a written prescription or order that is transmitted by an electronic device over telephone lines that sends the exact image to the receiving pharmacy in hard copy form.

  • Electronic Chattel Paper means chattel paper evidenced by a record or records consisting of information stored in an electronic medium.

  • Machine-readable means an automatic identification technology media, such as bar codes, contact memory buttons, radio frequency identification, or optical memory cards.

  • Commercial Paper means promissory notes of any Conduit issued by such Conduit in the commercial paper market.

  • Electrostatic application means the application to a substrate of charged atomized paint droplets that are deposited by electrostatic attraction.

  • Electronic Record(s means the electronic record as defined under clause (t) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

  • Electronic seal means data in electronic form, which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form to ensure the latter’s origin and integrity;