Pre-Effective Date Tax definition

Pre-Effective Date Tax. (i) shall mean any Tax imposed for the Pre-Effective Date Period and (ii) shall be - if and to the extent attributable to a business/fiscal year starting prior to and ending after the Effective Economic Date - calculated as if the respective business/fiscal year and the tax assessment period cease at the end of the Effective Economic Date.
Pre-Effective Date Tax. (i) shall mean any Tax attributable to any time period, action, event, ownership structure, or other circumstances within the Pre-Effective Date Period irrespective of whether the Tax will be assessed before or after the Closing Date and (ii) shall be – if the Effective Date deviates from the end of a tax assessment period ( steuerlicher Veranlagungs- und Erhebungszeitraum ) and the respective Tax relates to such period – calculated as if the last business and fiscal year ( Geschäfts-, Steuer- und Wirtschaftsjahr ) starting prior to the Effective Date and the respective tax assessment period ends at the end of the Effective Date.
Pre-Effective Date Tax means any Tax attributable to the Pre-Effective Date Period (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any interest on Pre-Effective Date Taxes even if such interest accrues for periods after the Effective Date).

Examples of Pre-Effective Date Tax in a sentence

  • Subject to occurrence of Closing, the Sellers undertake to indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser or – at free discretion of the Purchaser – the Company, as the case may be, from any Pre-Effective Date Tax ("Tax Indemnification" and a claim hereunder "Tax Indemnification Claim").

More Definitions of Pre-Effective Date Tax

Pre-Effective Date Tax means any Tax related to any action, event, ownership, period or any other circumstances in, and assessed for or otherwise attributable (under applicable 66 Tax laws) to, the Pre-Effective Date Period and – to the extent related to the business/fiscal year (Geschäftsjahr / Wirtschaftsjahr) starting prior to and ending after the Effective Date – calculated under the assumption that the business/fiscal year (Geschäftsjahr / Wirtschaftsjahr) and the tax assessment period (Veranlagungszeitraum) of the respective entity of the Bakelite Group ceases or is deemed to cease at the end of the Effective Date.
Pre-Effective Date Tax means, irrespective of its due date and the assessment date, any Taxes of the Company attributable to a Pre-Effective Date Tax Period.
Pre-Effective Date Tax means, irrespective of its due date and the assessment date, any Taxes of the Company attributable to a Pre- Effective Date Tax Period.
Pre-Effective Date Tax. (i) shall mean any Tax attributable to any time period, action, event, ownership structure, or other circumstances within the Pre-Effective Date Period irrespective of whether the Tax will be assessed before or after the Closing Date and (ii) shall be – if the Effective Date deviates from the end of a tax assessment period (steuerlicher Veranlagungs- und Erhebungszeitraum) and the respective Tax relates to such period – calculated as if the last business and fiscal year (Geschäfts-, Sxxxxx- und Wirtschaftsjahr) starting prior to the Effective Date and the respective tax assessment period ends at the end of the Effective Date.
Pre-Effective Date Tax means any Tax imposed for, or taxable events occurring in the Pre-Effective Date Period;

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