Placement Site definition

Placement Site means a structure, site or area for the placement of dredged material.

Examples of Placement Site in a sentence

  • TERMS In consideration of the mutual promises and conditions contained in this Agreement, Institution and Placement Site agree as follows: 1.0 Purpose of the Affiliation.1.1 Institution and Placement Site agree to affiliate and cooperate for their mutual benefit.

  • Placement Site will provide a facility for Institution students to obtain appropriate, high quality (practical/clinical) training and experience ("[name] Program"), and Institution will provide students to support the mission and efforts of Placement Site.

  • Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with the contract shall be litigated only in the Judicial District Court in and for the County of , State of Nevada, and Placement Site hereby expressly consents to the jurisdiction of said court.

  • Placement Site agrees to take an active role in suggesting or establishing education policy, curriculum, and course content.4.2 Institution shall provide a faculty member who will serve as liaison with Placement Site personnel.4.3 Institution and Placement Site agree to provide representatives to form a coordinating committee to fashion, discuss, evaluate, and make recommendations to revise the Program experience at Placement Site.

  • Institution is currently conducting (teaching/other) programs granting the degree(s) of for which it desires a Placement Site to further the training and experience of Institution's students.

  • Time credit can be given for work done away from the workplace if agreed to by the faculty of the University and Field Placement Site.

  • All notices, demands, requests, or other communications required to be given or sent by University or Placement Site, will be in writing and will be mailed by first-class mail, postage prepaid, or transmitted by hand delivery or facsimile, addressed to the Representative as follows.

  • Institution agrees upon request to provide representatives from Institution faculty to serve on Placement Site committee(s) relevant to the Program.4.4 Institution and Placement Site agree to cooperate in planning the hours of practice and selecting the areas of services so that all programs can benefit.4.5 Neither party, nor any joint committee, shall have the power to obligate Institution or Placement Site resources or commit either to any particular action.

  • Any notice to either party hereunder must be in writing signed by the party giving it, and shall be deemed given when mailed postage prepaid by U.S. Postal Service first class, certified or express mail, or other overnight mail service, or hand delivered, when addressed as follows: To Institution: To Placement Site: or to such other addressee as may be hereafter designated by written notice.

  • Buyer is advised that the Property may be in the vicinity of a Sediment Placement Site (SPS).

Related to Placement Site

  • Placement Agreement means the Placement Agreement relating to the offering and sale of Capital Securities in the form of Exhibit C.

  • Treatment site means the anatomical description of the tissue intended to receive a radiation dose, as described in a written directive.

  • Project site, where applicable, means the place indicated in bidding documents.

  • Placement shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 2(c).

  • Current placement episode means the period of time that

  • The Site, where applicable, means the designated project place(s) named in the bidding document.

  • The Project Site, where applicable, means the place or places named in the SCC.

  • Development Site means any parcel or lot on which exists or which is intended for building development other than the following:

  • Placement Agency Agreement means the Placement Agency Agreement by and between the Company and the Placement Agent dated the date hereof.

  • Plant Site (Works, Factory) means the local integration of one or more plants, with any intermediate administrative levels, which are under one operational control, and includes common infrastructure, such as:

  • Private use means any use of the Trading Platform by Clients that are physical persons;

  • Video lottery terminal sales agent means a lottery sales agent licensed under Chapter 3770. of the ORC to conduct video lottery terminals on behalf of the state pursuant to Section 3770.21 of the ORC.

  • Anchor location means the physical location from which:

  • Optional Interconnection Study means a sensitivity analysis of an Interconnection Request based on assumptions specified by the Interconnection Customer in the Optional Interconnection Study Agreement.

  • private land means any land that has been or may hereafter be alienated from the Crown for any estate of freehold, or is or may hereafter be the subject of any conditional purchase agreement, or of any lease or concession with or without a right of acquiring the fee simple thereof (not being a pastoral lease within the meaning of the Land Administration Act 1997 or a lease or concession otherwise granted by or on behalf of the Crown for grazing purposes only or for timber purposes or a lease of Crown land for the use and benefit of the Aboriginal inhabitants) but —

  • Delivery Location means the Supplier's premises or other location where the Services are to be supplied, as set out in the Order;

  • Public garage means a building or other place where vehicles or vessels are kept and stored and where a charge is made for the storage and keeping of vehicles and vessels.

  • Large municipal separate storm sewer system means all municipal separate storm sewers that are either:

  • Municipal separate storm sewer system means a conveyance or system of conveyances including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains.