PKC definition

PKC means processed kimberlite containment. “PMD” means potential mineral deposit.
PKC means PKC Group Oyj including its Affiliated Companies. The abbreviation “PKC Group” as well as terms “Buyer” and “Purchaser” may also used to identify PKC in numerous documents attached or referred to in this Agreement and in the daily correspondence and communication between the Parties.
PKC means Perth and Kinross Council; 'SC' means Stirling Council;

Examples of PKC in a sentence

  • In Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2021, pages 410–440, Cham, 2021.

  • The PKC schemes require substantially more memory, especially RAM storage.

  • We implemented our scheme in a MICAz xxxx and the results showed it be very advantageous compared other PKC schemes in terms of speed, energy, and RAM storage requirements.

  • These use public key cryptographic (PKC) algorithms involving complex mathematical operations on large integers and require substantial computational, memory and energy resources that are not readily available in sensor nodes.

  • For WSN, the Elliptic Curve DH (ECDH) is promising due to its less demand on resources compared to other PKC methods.

  • In Public Key Cryptography – PKC 2012, pages 467–484, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.

  • In Proceedings of Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2001, LNCS 1992, PP.

  • In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Public-Key Cryptography (PKC), part II, pages 246–265, 2020.

  • In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Public- Key Cryptography (PKC), part II, pages 265–296, 2016.

  • Xxxxxxxx, editor, PKC 2005, volume 3386 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 398-415.

Related to PKC

  • Soda fountain means a place especially equipped

  • Forest means an area of land defined by the minimum values for area size, tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level, and potential tree height at maturity at the place of growth of the trees as specified for each Member State in Annex II. It includes areas with trees, including groups of growing, young, natural trees, or plantations that have yet to reach the minimum values for tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level or minimum tree height as specified in Annex II, including any area that normally forms part of the forest area but on which there are temporarily no trees as a result of human intervention, such as harvesting, or as a result of natural causes, but which area can be expected to revert to forest;

  • EG means the Enforcement Guide;

  • AMC means Annual Maintenance Contract

  • Columbarium means a building or other aboveground structure that is affixed to land and is a permanent repository for cremated human remains.

  • TMDL means the total maximum daily load limitation of a parameter, representing the estimated assimilative capacity for a water body before other designated uses are adversely affected. Mathematically, it is the sum of wasteload allocations for point sources, load allocations for non-point and natural background sources, and a margin of safety.

  • GT means grams per tonne.

  • Apple means Apple Inc., a California corporation with its principal place of business at Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, U.S.A.

  • POPI means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013, as amended from time to time, together with any regulations issued from time to time in terms thereof;

  • CSDCC means the China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. “CSRC” means the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

  • Tree means any object of natural growth.

  • SAIC means the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the PRC or its local branches as appropriate to the context.

  • snippet means the Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, in the form of Exhibit E, among Holdings, the Borrower, each Subsidiary Loan Party and the Administrative Agent.","snippetLinks":[{"key":"guarantee-and-collateral-agreement","type":"clause","offset":[10,44]},{"key":"as-amended","type":"definition","offset":[46,56]},{"key":"otherwise- modified","type":"clause","offset":[74,92]},{"key":"from-time-to-time","type":"clause","offset":[93,110]},{"key":"form-of","type":"clause","offset":[119,126]},{"key":"exhibit-e","type":"clause","offset":[127,136]},{"key":"holdings","type":"clause","offset":[144,152]},{"key":"the-borrower","type":"clause","offset":[154,166]},{"key":"subsidiary-loan- party","type":"definition","offset":[173,194]},{"key":"the-administrative-agent","type":"clause","offset":[199,223]}],"hash":"61aabf5edc0e717dd017e870877aba2d","id":5},{"size":55,"samples":[{"uri":"/contracts/dcqI4XJ9kpY#collateral-agreement","label":"Credit Agreement (AGA Medical Holdings, Inc.)","score":21},

  • We/Us/Our means TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited.

  • Atlas means Automated Transportation Logistics Activity System. ATLAS is a computerized information system to which all Shippers have access upon request. ATLAS enables Shippers to nominate and release product and to monitor and coordinate the movement of Petroleum Products while on Carrier's system.

  • LSD means lysergic acid diethylamide.

  • Air kerma means kerma in a given mass of air. The unit used to measure the quantity of air kerma is the Gray (Gy). For X-rays with energies less than 300 kiloelectronvolts (keV), 1 Gray of absorbed dose is delivered by 114 roentgens (R) of exposure.

  • DTS means Days to Settlement, i.e., the number of actual days elapsed from and including the original Closing Day with respect to such Accepted Note (in the case of the first such payment with respect to such Accepted Note) or from and including the date of the next preceding payment (in the case of any subsequent delayed delivery fee payment with respect to such Accepted Note) to but excluding the date of such payment; and "PA" means Principal Amount, i.e., the principal amount of the Accepted Note for which such calculation is being made. In no case shall the Delayed Delivery Fee be less than zero. Nothing contained herein shall obligate any Purchaser to purchase any Accepted Note on any day other than the Closing Day for such Accepted Note, as the same may be rescheduled from time to time in compliance with paragraph 2B(7).

  • AASHTO means the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

  • SLDC means the State Load Dispatch Center as notified by the State Government.

  • Boathouse (NR 115.03(1h)) means a permanent structure used for the storage of watercraft and associated materials and includes all structures which are totally enclosed, have roofs or walls or any combination of these structural parts.

  • Pioneer or the "Company" means Pioneer Natural Resources Company and its subsidiaries.

  • COP means the conference of the parties to the Convention;

  • DPWH means the Department of Public Works and Highways of the Government of the Philippines.

  • OASIS means the Open Access Same-Time Information System required by FERC for the posting of market and transmission data on the Internet websites of PJM and NYISO.

  • PEBB means the public employees benefits board.