Examples of Other surface waters in a sentence
Other surface waters- Describe any anticipated physical effects or alterations to surface water features (lakes, streams, ponds, intermittent channels, county/judicial ditches) such as draining, filling, permanent inundation, dredging, diking, stream diversion, impoundment, aquatic plant removal and riparian alteration.
Other surface waters, such as lakes, ponds, reservoirs, other impoundments, streams, rivers, and estuaries, also provide such functions and in addition may provide flood conveyance, navigation, recreation, and water supply functions to the public.
Other surface waters such as lakes, ponds, reservoirs, other impoundments, streams, rivers and estuaries also often provide such functions, and in addition may provide flood conveyance, navigation and water supply functions to the public.
Other surface waters such as lakes, ponds, reservoirs, other impoundments, streams, rivers and estuaries also provide such functions, and in addition may provide flood conveyance, navigation, recreation, and water supply functions to the public.
Other surface waters laid within the Agsu rayon are Kukesh Qobu and Javanshir Lake on the west, Upper Shirvan Canal at the south.
Other surface waters, which may include segments within U.S. National Forests as follows: 1.
Other surface waters- Describe any anticipated physical effects or alterations to surface water features (lakes, streams, ponds, intermittent channels, county/judicialditches) such as draining, filling, permanent inundation, dredging, diking, stream diversion, impoundment, aquatic plant removal and riparian alteration.
Other surface waters affected by this Part, generally having less than 10 acres, are classified as wetland systems and thus regulated by Chisago County.
Other surface waters in the LWRA include the Niagara River in Sub-Area 1 and the Canal in Sub-Area 2.
Per the Handbook, those setbacks are: Soil Absorption Systems for Title 5 systems: 50 feet Private wells: 100 feetPublic wells: Outside Zone I (As defined by MassDEP)Public reservoirs, etc.: Outside Zone A (As defined by MassDEP) Other surface waters: 50 feetProperty lines: 10 feetBuilding foundations: >10 to 100 feet (See setbacks in Chapter 2 of Volume 2)Additional Setbacks for specific BMPs in Chapter 2 of Volume 2.