Notice to Suspend definition

Notice to Suspend means a notice issued pursuant to clause 3.11 of Part C of this Manual

Examples of Notice to Suspend in a sentence

  • The Administrator shall have the right to issue Notice to Proceed, Notice to Suspend or Notice to Resume Work under this Agreement within the dates to which this Agreement is effective and shall have general supervision of the Work.

  • The decision to Suspend may be modified by rescission as specifically provided in this Section 38.2.7.An owner may not submit a new Attachment Y Notice to Suspend that supersedes a prior notification unless the prior Attachment Y Notice is rescinded.

  • Costs of Network Upgrades that have been identified in the MTEP to address Transmission issues other than the issues identified in the Attachment Y Reliability Study of a unit that requests suspension will not be allocated to the owner of that unit if such costs of construction were not expedited as the result of an Attachment Y Notice to Suspend.

  • The ZPICs shall use the following exhibits in this manual as the model notices when preparing the draft notices for CMS approval: • The Notice to Suspend Payments (Refer to Exhibits 16A to 16D)• The Notice to Extend the Payment Suspension (Refer to Exhibit 16E) The Notice to Terminate the Payment Suspension (Refer to Exhibit 16F) – Issuing a Prior Notice versus Issuing a Concurrent Notice(Rev.

  • Docket No. GR16020175 – In the Matter of the Petition of South Jersey Gas Company to Continue Its Accelerated Infrastructure Replacement Program (AIRP) Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:2-21 and N.J.S.A. 48:2-21.1 and for Approval of a Base Rate Adjustment to Reflect AIRP Investments in Base Rates.

  • To the extent a Notice of Resolution is issued pursuant to Section 2(b), the Notice to Suspend Work in effect at the time shall be deemed withdrawn and the ISO shall be entitled to invoice BANC for any milestone completed as specified in Section 4(c) of this Agreement and BANC shall pay such invoice pursuant to Section 4.

  • NOTE: Thirty-three days after the “Notice of Intent” (Per SEM 616.5) is sent and the NCP has not complied per 1, 2, 3, or 4 above and/or there has been no request for a hearing from the NCP, proceed to SEM 616.6, Notice to Suspend.

  • Rather a new letter of a "Notice to Suspend for Cause" would be sent specifying the length of time for the suspension of that individual or organization and what action might need to be taken for that person or organization to be reinstated.

  • If after 60 days from the second Debt Warning Notice there is no response or if the patient has failed to initiate or comply with a payment plan, the patient will be sent a Notice to Suspend his/her access to the Coastal Health & Wellness services based on non-payment.

  • Upon receipt of a Notice to Suspend Work, the ISO shall: (1) discontinue work on the Project Phase 2; (2) place no further orders with subcontractors related to the Project Phase 2; (3) take commercially reasonable actions to suspend all orders and subcontracts; (4) protect and maintain the work on the Project Phase 2; and (5) otherwise mitigate BANC’s costs and liabilities for the areas of work suspended.

Related to Notice to Suspend

  • Revocation or suspension notice means a board notification suspending a license for an indefinite or specified period of time or a notification revoking a license as required by the Act.

  • End of Suspension Notice has the meaning set forth in Section 1(f)(ii).

  • Notice of Intent to Cure has the meaning specified in Section 6.02(b).

  • Discontinuance Notice means the written Notice sent by the Billing Party to the other Party that notifies the Non- Paying Party that in order to avoid disruption or disconnection of the Interconnection Services, furnished under this Agreement, the Non-Paying Party must remit all Unpaid Charges to the Billing Party within fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of the Billing Party’s Notice of Unpaid Charges.

  • Repudiation/Moratorium Extension Notice means a notice from the Calculation Agent to the Issuer (which the Calculation Agent has the right but not the obligation to deliver) that describes a Potential Repudiation/Moratorium that occurred on or prior to the Scheduled Maturity Date. A Repudiation/Moratorium Extension Notice must contain a description in reasonable detail of the facts relevant to the determination that a Potential Repudiation/Moratorium has occurred and indicate the date of the occurrence. The Potential Repudiation/Moratorium that is the subject of the Repudiation/Moratorium Extension Notice need not be continuing on the date the Repudiation/Moratorium Extension Notice is effective.

  • Notice of Sale means the Notice of Sale of the Trust relating to the sale of the Series 2016A-1 Bonds to be dated on or about May 2, 2016, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D.

  • Notice-triggering PI means the PI identified in CCC § 1798.29(e) whose 25 unauthorized access may trigger notification requirements under CCC § 1709.29. For purposes of this 26 provision, identity shall include, but not be limited to, name, identifying number, symbol, or other 27 identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a finger or voice print, a photograph or a 28 biometric identifier. Notice-triggering PI includes PI in electronic, paper or any other medium.

  • Notice Deadline means 2.30 p.m. (Dublin time), provided that the Notice Deadline in respect of any Series of ETP Securities may be adjusted by agreement between the Issuer and the Margin Loan Provider with effect from the fifth calendar day following the date on which notice of such adjustment is given to the holders in accordance with Condition 17.

  • Notice of Revocation means, in connection with the revocation by a Beneficial Owner or its Agent Member of its Notice of Tender, a notice, substantially in the form attached to the Tender and Paying Agent Agreement, delivered by a Beneficial Owner or its Agent Member to the Tender and Paying Agent indicating an intention to revoke the tender of some or all of the VRDP Shares for sale on a Purchase Date pursuant to Section 1 of Part II of this Statement.

  • Notice in Writing or written notice shall mean a notice in writing, type or printed characters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise provided to have been received) by registered post to the last known private or business address or registered office of the addressee and shall be deemed to have been received when in the ordinary course of post it would have been delivered.

  • Commencement Notice means a written notice, given by any Secured Party to the other Secured Parties in accordance with the notice provisions set forth in the Securities Purchase Agreement, pursuant to which such Secured Party notifies the other Secured Parties of the existence of one or more Events of Default and of such Secured Party’s intent to commence the exercise of one or more of the remedies provided for under this Agreement with respect to all or any portion of the Collateral as a consequence thereof, which notice shall incorporate a reasonably detailed description of each Event of Default then existing and of the remedial action proposed to be taken.

  • OJEU Notice means the contract notice published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

  • Exercise Notice Deadline In respect of any exercise of Options hereunder on any Conversion Date, the “Scheduled Trading Day” prior to the scheduled first “VWAP Trading Day” of the “Observation Period” (each as defined in the Indenture, but, in the case of any such Observation Period, as modified by the provision set forth opposite the caption “Convertible Security Settlement Method”) relating to the Convertible Securities converted on the Conversion Date occurring on the relevant Exercise Date; provided that in the case of any exercise of Options hereunder in connection with the conversion of any Relevant Convertible Securities on any Conversion Date occurring during the period starting on and including June 4, 2020 and ending on and including the second “Scheduled Trading Day” immediately preceding the “Maturity Date” (each as defined in the Indenture) (the “Final Conversion Period”), the Exercise Notice Deadline shall be noon, New York City time, on the “Scheduled Trading Day” (as defined in the Indenture) immediately preceding the “Maturity Date” (as defined in the Indenture).

  • Notice to Proceed (NTP) means the authorization issued by the CO to start performance on this Contract.

  • Retraction Notice has the meaning set forth in Section 11.01(c).

  • CAFA Notice refers to the notice requirements imposed by 28 U.S.C. § 1715(b).

  • Full Notice to Proceed means that all material third party contractors have been given the notice to proceed with construction by the Capacity Market Seller or its agent, with a guaranteed completion date backed by liquidated damages.

  • Calendar Day means the period from one midnight to the following midnight;

  • Timely Notice means a stockholder’s notice to the Secretary of the Corporation which must be delivered to or mailed and received at the principal executive offices of the Corporation not less than ninety (90) days nor more than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the first anniversary of the preceding year’s annual meeting of stockholders; provided, however, that in the event that the date of the annual meeting is more than thirty (30) days before, or more than sixty (60) days after, such anniversary date, notice by the stockholder to be timely must be so delivered not earlier than the one hundred twentieth (120th) day prior to such annual meeting and not later than the ninetieth (90th) day prior to such annual meeting or, if later, the tenth (10th) day following the day on which the date that such annual meeting was Publicly Disclosed (as defined above).

  • Nonrenewal Notice Date has the meaning specified in Section 2.03(b)(iii).

  • Redemption Notice Date means, with respect to a Redemption, the date on which the Company sends the Redemption Notice for such Redemption pursuant to Section 4.03(F).

  • Notice Date has the meaning specified in Section 2.10.

  • Termination Notice means the communication issued in accordance with this Agreement by one Party to the other Party terminating this Agreement;

  • Notice Period has the meaning set forth in Section 5.09(e).

  • Demand Suspension shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.6.

  • Notice of Settlement means the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.