Non-Eligible NGI Temporary Global Instrument definition

Non-Eligible NGI Temporary Global Instrument means a Temporary Global Instrument which is intended to be a new global instrument not eligible for Eurosystem operations, as stated in the applicable Final Terms.
Non-Eligible NGI Temporary Global Instrument means a Temporary Global Instrument which is intended to be a new global instrument not eligible for Eurosystem operations, as stated in the applicable Final Terms; references to a "Master Temporary Global Instrument", a "Master Permanent Global Instrument", a "Master Registered Instrument" and a "Master Global Registered Instrument" are to an Instrument substantially in the form set out in Schedules 1, 2, 4 and 5 hereto (respectively) which are complete save in that they require completion by the Issue and Paying Agent or Registrar, on behalf of the Issuer, as to the details of the Tranche of Instruments to which they will relate;

Related to Non-Eligible NGI Temporary Global Instrument

  • Regulation S Temporary Global Security with respect to any series of Securities, means one or more temporary Global Securities, bearing the Private Placement Legend and the Regulation S Temporary Global Security Legend, issued in an aggregate amount of denominations equal in total to the outstanding principal amount of the Securities of such series initially sold, if required by Rule 903 of Regulation S.

  • Regulation S Temporary Global Note means a temporary Global Note in the form of Exhibit A hereto, bearing the Global Note Legend, the Private Placement Legend and the Regulation S Temporary Global Note Legend and deposited with or on behalf of and registered in the name of the Depositary or its nominee, issued in a denomination equal to the outstanding principal amount of the Notes initially sold in reliance on Rule 903.

  • Temporary Global Note means a global note in the form or substantially in the form set out in Part 1 of Schedule 6 together with the copy of the applicable Final Terms attached to it with such modifications (if any) as may be agreed between the Issuer, the Agent and the relevant Dealer, comprising some or all of the Notes of the same Series issued by the Issuer under the Programme Agreement or any other agreement between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer; Tranche means Notes which are identical in all respects (including as to listing); and

  • Temporary Offshore Global Note means an Offshore Global Note that bears the Temporary Offshore Global Note Legend.

  • Temporary beer event permit means a permit issued in accordance with Chapter 9, Part 4, Temporary Beer Event Permit.

  • temporary resident means a person who, in accordance with standards prescribed in rules adopted by the registrar, resides in this state on a temporary basis.

  • Regulation S Permanent Global Security with respect to any series of Securities, means one or more permanent Global Securities bearing the Private Placement Legend, that will be issued in an aggregate amount of denominations equal in total to the outstanding principal amount of the Securities of such series initially sold or, if required by Rule 903 of Regulation S, of the Regulation S Temporary Global Security of such series upon expiration of the Distribution Compliance Period with respect to such series, as the case may be.

  • Temporary Regulation S Global Note means a temporary Global Note in the form of Exhibit A hereof bearing the Global Note Legend, the Private Placement Legend, and the Temporary Regulation S Legend and deposited with or on behalf of and registered in the name of the Depositary or its nominee, issued in a denomination equal to the outstanding principal amount of the Notes sold in reliance on Rule 903.

  • Interest Free Security Deposit/ Performance Security means interest free amount to be deposited by the Licensee with NMRC as per terms and conditions of License Agreement as a security against the performance of the License Agreement.

  • Regulation S Temporary Global Note Legend means the legend set forth in Section 2.06(g)(iii) hereof.

  • approved form means a form approved by the Minister;

  • Temporary post means a post other than a permanent post.

  • (1) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—The term eligible entity’ means—

  • Unrestricted Global Security means a Global Security that is not a Restricted Security.

  • Eligible Ground Lease means a ground lease containing terms and conditions customarily required by mortgagees making a loan secured by the interest of the holder of the leasehold estate demised pursuant to a ground lease, and shall include the following: (a) a remaining term (exclusive of any unexercised extension options) of 30 years or more from the date the applicable Property first becomes an Eligible Property; (b) the right of the lessee to mortgage and encumber its interest in the leased property without the consent of the lessor; (c) the obligation of the lessor to give the holder of any mortgage Lien on such leased property written notice of any defaults on the part of the lessee and agreement of such lessor that such lease will not be terminated until such holder has had a reasonable opportunity to cure or complete foreclosures, and fails to do so; (d) reasonable transferability of the lessee’s interest under such lease, including ability to sublease; and (e) clearly determinable rental payment terms which in no event contain profit participation rights.

  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or "TANF" means the program administered by the Department through which a relative can receive monthly cash assistance for the support of his eligible children.

  • Temporary Employee is one who is hired on a temporary basis for a full- time or part-time position:

  • Temporary clean coal technology demonstration project means a clean coal technology demonstration project that is operated for a period of five years or less and that complies with the SIP and other requirements necessary to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards during the project and after the project is terminated.

  • Temporary food service establishment means a food service establishment that operates at a fixed location for a period of time of not more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration.

  • Restricted Global Security As defined in Section 3.01(c).

  • Additional Performance Security means the Bank Guarantee to be submitted by Successful Bidder in accordance with Clause 8.7 of this RFP Document

  • Special Instruction Form means a standardized form prescribed by the Management Company to be duly filled by the investor to change his/her particulars and will be stated in this Offering Document.

  • Temporary Teacher means a person employed to teach under the authority of a letter of permission.

  • Temporary Regulation S Global Certificate As defined in Section 5.02(c)(i) of this Agreement.