non-clinical definition

non-clinical means a study or a test conducted in vitro, in silico, or in chemico, or a non-human in vivo test related to the investigation of the safety and efficacy of a medicinal product. Such test may include simple and complex human cell-based assays, microphysiological systems including organ-on-chip, computer modelling, other non-human or human biology-based test methods, and animal-based tests;
non-clinical when used with respect to studies or data refers to safety, toxicology and other studies undertaken in non-human animals in support of Clinical Trials or otherwise required for Regulatory Approval.
non-clinical. The following table lists the planned non-clinical studies that have been identified by Xenova as necessary prior to a NDA submission. These studies were presented to the FDA in the briefing document that was sent prior to the end of Phase II meeting. It is anticipated that these studies would not need to be initiated until the results from the [*] are known. ______________________________________________________________________ [*] ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Examples of non-clinical in a sentence

  • Non-Clinical Studies Novavax will perform these non-clinical studies and deliver the results in a study report at completion.

  • Lonza shall manufacture the Non-Clinical Batches (including the Technical Batches) in accordance with the Project Plan.

  • These Non-Clinical Studies are aimed to support the clinical trials that will be conducted under the CRADA, and might involve convening a meeting of scientific experts and ultimately sponsoring core laboratories with expertise in the performance of appropriate assays with patient material.

  • Lonza makes no warranty that the Non-Clinical Batches (including the Technical Batches) will meet the Specifications, but will manufacture all such Batches in accordance with and for the intended purpose set forth in the Project Plan.

  • These Non-Clinical Terms of Award detail an agreement between the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and the Contractor; they apply to all grants and contracts that involve non-clinical research.

More Definitions of non-clinical

non-clinical means a study or a test (11) ‘non-clinical’ means a study or a test
non-clinical means a study or a test conducted in vitro, in silico, or in chemico, or a non-human in vivo test related to the investigation of the safety and efficacy of a medicinal product. Such test may include simple and complex human cell-based
non-clinical means any non-human studies or data generated in anticipation of submission for Regulatory Approval.
non-clinical means not performed in humans; “Review Entities” means the National Committee,
non-clinical means of a business nature including, but not limited to, practice management, insurance information, and computer information. It shall also mean the discussion of philosophy as it relates to the performance of chiropractic.
non-clinical means: activities supporting a clinical trial or a Regulatory Submission, including, but not limited to, animal safety and efficacy studies, animal studies supporting an IND or IMPD, human disease tissue sample studies supporting an IND or IMPD, toxicology, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies.
non-clinical when used with respect to studies or data, means safety, ***Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to the omitted portions. toxicology and other studies undertaken in non-human animals in support of Clinical Trials or otherwise in support of Regulatory Approval, or data generated therefrom.