NMI definition

NMI means National Market Identifier, which is the unique identifier assigned by Western Power to each
NMI means a National Metering Identifier assigned to a metering installation at an electricity customer’s supply address;
NMI means National Metering Identifier assigned to a metering installation at a customer’s premises; 'National Electricity Law' has the meaning given under the Electricity National Scheme (Queensland) Xxx 0000 (Qld); 'National Electricity Rules' means the rules made under the National Electricity Law applied as a law of Queensland;

Examples of NMI in a sentence

  • Measuring Standard This Agreement does not confer National Measurement Institute (NMI) approval for the OBM System to be used as a measuring instrument, as defined in the National Measurement Act 1960 (Cth).

More Definitions of NMI

NMI means NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. and its permitted successors and assigns.
NMI has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
NMI means a National Metering Identifier as described in clause 7.3.1(d) in the National Electricity Rules.
NMI means the unique identifier assigned to a connection point.
NMI means a National Metering Identifier assigned to a metering installation at a customer’s premises.
NMI means the National Metering Identifier assigned to the electricity meter of a Site pursuant to the Rules;
NMI means “Notice of Mental Illness” required, pursuant to ORS 426.070, to be submitted by any two persons, a county health officer or a magistrate to the director and thereafter submitted by the director to the court or, pursuant to 426.234, to be submitted by the physician or the director to the court. Pursuant to 426.070 and 426.234, the court commences proceedings pursuant to 426.070 to 426.130 upon receipt of the NMI.