Net Asset Value definition

Net Asset Value or "NAV” means per Unit value of the Trust arrived at by dividing the Net Assets by the number of Units outstanding.
Net Asset Value means the net asset value determined as set forth in the Prospectus of each Fund.
Net Asset Value means the net asset value of each Series of the Trust or Class thereof determined in the manner provided in Article X, Section 3;

Examples of Net Asset Value in a sentence

  • At any time the Trustees may cause the Net Asset Value per Share last determined to be determined again in a similar manner and may fix the time when such redetermined values shall become effective.

  • If the right of redemption is suspended, a Shareholder may either withdraw his or her request for redemption or receive payment based on the Net Asset Value per Share next determined after the suspension terminates.

  • The Trustees may delegate the power and duty to determine the Net Asset Value per Share to one or more Trustees or officers of the Trust or to a manager, investment adviser, administrator, custodian, depository or other agent appointed for such purpose.

  • Unless the Trustees otherwise determine, investments in a Series shall be credited to each Shareholder’s account in the form of full Shares at the Net Asset Value per Share next determined after the investment is received.

  • Unless the 1940 Act, this Trust Instrument or the By-Laws require a greater number of affirmative votes, the affirmative vote by the Shareholders holding more than 50% of the Shares (or Class or Series thereof) present, either in person or by proxy, or, if applicable, holding more than 50% of the Net Asset Value of the Shares present, either in person or by proxy, at such meeting constitutes the action of the Shareholders, and a plurality shall elect a Trustee.

More Definitions of Net Asset Value

Net Asset Value means the per share value of a Fund, or in the case of a Fund with multiple classes of shares, the per share value of a class, calculated in the manner described in the FundsOffering Materials.
Net Asset Value means the net asset value of each Series of the Trust determined in the manner provided in Article IX, Section 9.03 hereof;
Net Asset Value means the Net Asset Value of a Fund or attributable to a Class (as appropriate) calculated as referred to herein.
Net Asset Value means the net asset value of each Series or Class of the Trust determined in the manner provided in Section 7.4 hereof, and “Net Asset Value per Share” has the meaning assigned in Section 7.4 hereof.
Net Asset Value means the net asset value of each Series of the Trust, determined as provided in Article VI, Section 3.
Net Asset Value means the net asset value of a Sub-Fund or, as the context may require, the net asset value of a Unit calculated under the Trust Deed.
Net Asset Value means the net asset value of each Class of the Trust determined in the manner provided in Section 7.7 hereof;