Natural grade definition

Natural grade means the elevation of the undisturbed natural surface of the ground prior to any excavation or fill. (Ord. 1987-125. Passed 11-16-87.)
Natural grade means the elevation of the ground surface of land prior to any land alteration, including, but not limited to, disturbance, excavation, filling, or construction. Where land alteration has occurred, the natural grade is determined by historical records or interpolation based on surrounding natural grades.
Natural grade means the elevation of the ground adjoining the building.

Examples of Natural grade in a sentence

  • Natural grade is the grade as it exists or may have existed in its original undisturbed condition.

  • Natural grade existing prior to any site preparation, grading, or filling, unless a new record grade is approved at the time of subdivision approval and noted on the filed preliminary or final plat.

  • Natural grade, finished grade, and building height above existing grade shall be noted on all elevations.

  • Natural grade, finished grade, building height above existing grade shall be noted on all elevations.

  • The reoffending data, based on self report and their keyworkers‟ reports, are mixed but distance travelled measures, obtained with the help of their keyworkers,show improvements in personal and social circumstances that are related to offending and desistance.

More Definitions of Natural grade

Natural grade means Established Natural Grade.‌
Natural grade means the elevation of the original or undisturbed natural surface of the ground prior to any manufactured disturbances of any type at any time. In the event the natural grade of a lot is unable to be determined by physically inspecting the lot, Wasatch County has records, which indicate the natural grade for each lot in Deer Mountain, and the Wasatch County records shall govern.
Natural grade means the elevation of the undisturbed natural surface of the ground prior to any excavation or fill.
Natural grade means the surface of the ground prior to exca- vation, fill or grading. (For “grade level” see Section 325.32 of the Zon- ing Code.)
Natural grade means the surface of the ground prior to grading for development.
Natural grade means the elevation of the ground in its natural state, before grading, excavation, or filling.
Natural grade means the elevation of the ground level in its natural state before grading.