Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) definition

Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) means the maximum level of a disinfectant added for water treatment at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of safety. MRDLGs are nonenforceable health goals and do not reflect the benefit of the addition of the chemical for control of waterborne microbial contaminants.
Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) means the level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.
Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) means the maximum level of a disinfectant added for water treatment at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of safety. MRDLGs are nonenforceable health goals and do not reflect the benefit of the addition of the chemical for control of waterborne microbial contaminants. “Medium-size water system” means a water system that serves greater than 3,300 and less than or

Examples of Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) in a sentence

  • Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) means the maximum level of a disinfectant added for water treatment at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of safety.

  • Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) the maximum level of a disinfectant addedfor water treatment at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of safety.

  • The Parties framed Issue 1 as whether IPL’s proposed Plan is consistent with Iowa law, including amended Iowa Code § 476.6(13) and (15), 199 IAC 35.8, 199IAC 35.9, and 199 IAC 35.10.

  • New updates pose the most serious risk as they “may automatically add additional capabilities” potentially without asking permission of the device’s owner/user.42TikTok is a recent Chinese acquisition of the former American company “” The concerns over TikTok center on cybersecurity and spying by the Chinese government.

  • If upgrades to the return shipping are requested (such as insurance, specific packing materials, or priority or timing upgrades), please notify Buds in writing in the original package materials.

More Definitions of Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG)

Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) means the maximum level of a disinfectant added
Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) means the maximum level of a disinfectant added for water treatment at which no known or
Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG) means the maximum level of a disinfectant added for water treatment at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an ade- quate margin of safety. MRDLGs are nonenforceable health goals and do not reflect the benefit of the addition of the chemical for control of waterborne microbial contaminants. “Point-of-entry treatment device (POE)” is a treatment device applied to the drinking water entering a house or building for the purpose of reducing contaminants in the drinking water distributed throughout the house or building. “Point-of-use treatment device (POU)” is a treatment de- vice applied to a single tap or multiple taps used for the pur- pose of reducing contaminants in drinking water at those taps, but is not intended to treat all of the water in the facility. “Unregulated contaminant” means a contaminant for which no MCL has been set, but which does have federal monitoring requirements for certain public water systems set

Related to Maximum residual disinfectant level goal (MRDLG)

  • Maximum residual disinfectant level or “MRDL” means a level of a disinfectant added for water treatment that may not be exceeded at the consumer’s tap without an unacceptable possibility of adverse health effects.

  • Maximum contaminant level goal or “MCLG” means the maximum level of a contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of safety. MCLGs are nonenforceable health goals.

  • Elevated blood lead level means a level of lead in blood that is any of the following:

  • Applicable Measurement Period means the most recently completed four consecutive fiscal quarters of the Issuer immediately preceding the Applicable Calculation Date for which internal financial statements are available.

  • Incremental Available Transfer Capability Revenue Rights means the rights to revenues that are derived from incremental Available Transfer Capability created by the addition of Merchant Transmission Facilities or of one of more Customer-Funded Upgrades.

  • Maximum contaminant level (MCL) means the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water which is delivered to any user of a public water system.

  • Residual disinfectant concentration means the concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/L in a representative sample of water.

  • Working level month (WLM) means an exposure to 1 working level for 170 hours (2,000 working hours per year divided by 12 months per year is approximately equal to 170 hours per month).

  • Performance Measurement Period has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(e)(ii).

  • Maximum horizontal acceleration in lithified earth material means the maximum expected horizontal acceleration depicted on a seismic hazard map, with a 90 percent or greater probability that the acceleration will not be exceeded in 250 years, or the maximum expected horizontal acceleration based on a site-specific seismic risk assessment.

  • Final Trigger Level means 85.00%, being a percentage against which the performance of the Index will be measured in order to determine the Final Redemption Amount.

  • Maximum contaminant level means the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water which is delivered to any user of a public water system.

  • Sound level meter means an instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighting networks used to measure sound pressure levels.

  • Average Monthly Limit means the maximum allowable "Average Monthly Concentration" as defined in Section 22a-430-3(a) of the RCSA when expressed as a concentration (e.g. mg/l); otherwise, it means "Average Monthly Discharge Limitation" as defined in Section 22a-430-3(a) of the RCSA.

  • Measurement Point means the emission source for which continuous emission measurement systems (CEMS) are used for emission measurement, or the cross-section of a pipeline system for which the CO2 flow is determined using continuous measurement systems;

  • Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:

  • Lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) means for any source, that rate of emissions which reflects the most stringent emission limitation which is contained in the implementation plan of any State for such class or category of source, unless the owner or operator of the proposed source demonstrates that such limitations are not achievable, or the most stringent emission limitation which is achieved in practice by such class or category of source, whichever is more stringent. In no event shall the application of this term permit a proposed new or modified source to emit any pollutant in excess of the amount allowable under applicable New Source Standards of Performance.

  • Ramp-Up Period means the period from and including the Effective Date to, but excluding, September 23, 2016.