Manx definition

Manx means Manx Petroleum Plc, a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales.

Examples of Manx in a sentence

  • In relation to aBritish ship Manx ship in foreign waters other than the sea and other waters within the seaward limits of the territorial sea adjacent to any relevant British possession, the Secretary of State may give authority under paragraph (1) only if the State in whose waters the power would be exercised consents to the exercise of the power.

  • Nothing in this section shall operate to release or extinguish any liability of an attorney or agent to pay Manx income tax as attorney or agent of the individual members of a limited liability company.

  • In the case of a person who is not resident in the Island, income tax shall be payable in respect of every income tax year at the prescribed rate on every pound of Manx income.

  • Where the total Manx income of a person who is not resident in the Isle of Man includes, for the year of assessment, or would but for this subsection include, any sums paid or credited in respect of interest on specified Government securities, those sums shall, so long as it is shown to the Assessor that the securities are in the beneficial ownership of such person, and subject to subsection (3) below, be exempt from income tax.

  • Any officer may board any ship which is cleared outwards from a port at any time while the ship is in Manx waters and require the production of the ship’s clearance, and if the master refuses to produce it or to answer such questions as the officer may put to him concerning the ship, cargo and intended voyage, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of £200.

  • Seabird recovery on Lundy population change in Manx shearwaters and other seabirds in response to the eradication of rats.

  • As the Company is not in receipt of income from Manx land, certain related business or property and does not hold a Manx banking licence, it is taxed at the standard rate of 0% on the Isle of Man.

  • Manx legislation that has been made, as amended under other Manx legislation that has been made, and either or both such legislation has not commenced (either or both also called the “authorising law”).

  • A power under Manx legislation to do an act or thing includes the power to do anything else reasonably necessary for, or incidental to, doing the act or thing.

  • The Governor may delegate the performance of any of the Governor’s functions under a Manx enactment or Tynwald resolution, other than a power to make a public document.

Related to Manx

  • SADC means the Southern African Development Community;

  • Insight as used in this clause, means technical visibility into the Program, maintained through audit, surveillance, assessment of trends and metrics, software independent verification and validation, the flight readiness review process, and review or independent assessment of out-of-family anomalies occurring in any phase of the program.

  • FIS means free into store delivery, which requires the Supplier to pay all costs and be responsible for all requirements associated with the supply and delivery of Goods to the Company at the delivery site described in the Order, including all costs associated with transport, insurances, licences, authorisations, duties and taxes.

  • IDT means intradepartmental transfer.

  • Raptor means all birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes, commonly called falcons,

  • AMC means Annual Maintenance Contract

  • SMI means the a supplier managed inventory service (consignment or imprest stock option) as described further in Call Off Schedule 9;

  • Accenture means the Accenture entity that is a party to the Agreement and its Affiliates (collectively, “Accenture”).

  • BD means Business Day and “DD” means Dealing Day. Any application received after the cut off time on a Dealing Day will be treated as an application for the next Dealing Day.

  • Dell means Dell Inc., a Delaware corporation.

  • SES means - the State Emergency Service as described in the State Emergency Service Act 1989 No 164.

  • EDS means Electronic Data Systems Corporation, a Delaware corporation, all its direct and indirect subsidiaries, all its affiliated entities, and all its successors and assigns, and the employees, agents, attorneys, officers and directors of each of them.

  • Procurement Agent means the district representative duly authorized to enter into and administer Contracts and make written determinations with respect to this solicitation or his/ her designee.

  • T&Cs means these terms and conditions.

  • SDS means safety data sheets;

  • caravan means a vehicle that is fitted or designed to allow human habitation and which is drawn by another vehicle, or which is capable of self-propulsion;

  • BSC means the Balancing and Settlement Code designated by the Secretary of State with the approval of the Authority;

  • NCI means the National Cancer Institute.

  • SCI has the meaning set forth with respect thereto in the preamble. ---