Loyal definition

Loyal means that more customers have the intention to repurchase and are retained for future business (Anderson et al., 1994; Zeithaml, 1988). The same goes for lower customer service, resulting in higher turnover and difficulty with retention, a higher cost to reacquire, and a decrease in price elasticity (Anderson et al., 1994). The same study with Anderson et al. (1994) also noted that changes in customer satisfaction in a single period impact future periods, which is consistent with the ”cumulative nature of customer satisfaction”—but a firm’s return on investment is affected by customer satisfaction.
Loyal to their dialect which means they attribute positive values and a certain amount of prestige to it. This might influence classroom language practices in several ways.

Examples of Loyal in a sentence

  • Downloaded from www.insureatclick.com - Broker : Loyal Insurance Brokers Ltd.

  • In the event Loyal American Life Insurance Company mistakenly deposits funds into my account, I authorize Loyal American Life Insurance to debit my account for an amount not to exceed the original amount of credit.

  • The Company, as used in this authorization, shall mean American Retirement Life Insurance Company, Loyal American Life Insurance Company®, Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna National Health Insurance Company, and their affiliates as described below.

  • I also authorize Loyal American Life Insurance Company and any financial institution it uses to initiate credit entries to my account or to provide refund of premium or association fees (if applicable).

  • The privilege of paying premiums and association fees (if applicable) under this Plan may be revoked by Loyal American Life Insurance Company if any draft is not paid upon presentation.

  • No premium or association fee (if applicable) shall be deemed to have been paid unless and until actual payment of the draft drawn for such premium or association fee (if applicable) payment has been received by Loyal American Life Insurance Company.

  • The payment of premiums and association fees (if applicable) under this Plan may be terminated by the Contract Owner, Financial Institution Depositor if other than Contract Owner, or by Loyal American Life Insurance Company upon 30 days written notice.

  • I understand and agree that for all Applicants these statements shall be the basis for determination of acceptance for coverage under my applicable Loyal policy.

  • APPLICANT INFORMATION FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS:As a convenience to me, I hereby request and authorize you to pay and charge to my account, drafts drawn on my account by and payable to Loyal American Life Insurance Company provided there are sufficient funds in said account to pay the same on presentation.

  • The Loyal and Dutiful Address of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland.

Related to Loyal

  • Skills means the ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems. In the context of the European Qualifications Framework, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) or practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments);

  • Promote means to engage in such activities.

  • working time Means the usual or normal hours (including overtime) that a Contract Deputy(ies) is required by the Law Enforcement Official to work in any calendar month. In addition, working time includes ninety five percent (95%) of the time the Contract Deputy(ies) is on vacation leave, is on sick leave and receives workers’ compensation benefits.

  • Supervisors means employees who primarily perform supervisory functions, including the requirement to make recommendations regarding any staff or personnel matter. These staff or personnel matters include, but are not limited to, such areas as selection, promotion, appraisal, discipline, transfer, staffing needs, work methods, changes in terms and conditions of employment, grievances, or the interpretation and administration of the applicable Collective Agreement. “Supervisors” includes employees in other employee classifications who perform supervisory functions.

  • Supervisor means Advisors Asset Management Inc., and its successors in interest, or any successor evaluator appointed as hereinafter provided."

  • best means most effective in achieving a high general level of protection of the environment as a whole.

  • Competence means the ability to teach a subject or grade level based on recent teaching experience related to that subject or grade level within the last five years, or educational attainments, or both, but not based solely on being licensed to teach. The district may consider a teacher’s willingness to undergo additional training or pursue additional education in deciding upon questions of competence.

  • Focus means limiting the number of items included in a curriculum to allow for deeper exploration of the subject matter.

  • Workforce means employees, volunteers, trainees or other persons whose performance of work is under the direct control of a party, whether or not they are paid by that party.

  • Colony means a hive and its equipment and appurtenances, including bees, comb, honey, pollen, and brood.

  • Professional athlete means an athlete who performs services in a professional athletic event for wages or other remuneration.

  • professional diligence means the standard of skill and care that a Member would be reasonably expected to exercise towards a Client, commensurate with-

  • People s Bank of China” means People’s Bank of China acting as the central bank of the People’s Republic of China pursuant to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the People’s Bank of China promulgated by the National People’s Congress on 18 March 1995.

  • Significant Influence means control of at least twenty per cent of total share capital, or of business decisions under an agreement.

  • Reward means any goods, services, benefits, arrangements or other privileges (including, without limitation, miles on participating airline frequent flyer programs, payment of annual Cardmembership fees or rebate), as may be determined by the Bank in its reasonable discretion, which may be redeemed or obtained by the use of Points under the Program; and S$ means the lawful currency of the Republic of Singapore.

  • Homeless means lacking fixed, regular and adequate housing. You may be homeless if you are living in shelters, parks, motels, hotels, public spaces, camping grounds, cars, abandoned buildings, or temporarily living with other people because you have nowhere else to go. Also, if you are living in any of these situations and fleeing an abusive parent, you may be considered homeless even if your parent would otherwise provide a place to live.

  • Attend in respect of a line, means to be within 10 metres of the line.

  • Team means a team affiliated to a Club, including where a Club provides more than one team in the Competition in accordance with the Rules.

  • his shall include the feminine and neuter, as well as the masculine, genders.

  • Discipline means any action taken by a school district in response to behavioral violations.

  • Rewards means any Merchandise Reward, Travel Reward, Gift Card Reward or Account Credit Reward that is available in this Program; and

  • SAC means the Standing Advisory Committee established by section 16;

  • Competency means a combination of skills, knowledge and attitude required to perform a task to the prescribed standard.

  • Best Management Practices (BMPs means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage.

  • Job means a position or job family level in a job family [74:840-1.3].

  • capability , in relation to an employee, means his capability assessed by reference to skill, aptitude, health or any other physical or mental quality, and