land use scheme means the land use scheme adopted and approved in terms of Chapter 3 and for the purpose of these By-laws include an existing scheme until such time as the existing scheme is replaced by the adopted and approved land use scheme.
land use means the purpose for which land is or may be used lawfully in terms of a land use scheme, existing scheme or in terms of any other authorisation, permit or consent issued by a competent authority, and includes any conditions related to such land use purposes;
Adopt a comprehensive land use plan means to enact a new
Land Use Regulations means all ordinances, resolutions, codes, rules, regulations and official policies of the City governing the development and use of land, including, without limitation, the permitted use of land, the density or intensity of use, subdivision requirements, timing and phasing of development, the maximum height and size of buildings, the provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, and the design, improvement and construction and initial occupancy standards and specifications applicable to the Project. “Land Use Regulations” do not include any City ordinance, resolution, code, rule, regulation or official policy governing:
Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act means the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013);
Land use plan means a plan prepared under former 1921 PA 207, former 1943 PA 184, or a site plan under the Michigan zoning enabling act, 2006 PA 110, MCL 125.3101 to 125.3702.
Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation means the “Base Flood Elevation” plus the “Freeboard”. In “Special Flood Hazard Areas” where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) have been determined, this elevation shall be the BFE plus two (2) feet of freeboard. In “Special Flood Hazard Areas” where no BFE has been established, this elevation shall be at least two (2) feet above the highest adjacent grade.
Land application means the spraying or spreading of sewage sludge onto the land surface, the injection of sewage sludge below the land surface, or the incorporation of sewage sludge into the soil for the purposes of conditioning the soil or fertilizing crops or vegetation grown in the soil.
Flood Insurance Regulations means (a) the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 as now or hereafter in effect or any successor statute thereto, (b) the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 as now or hereafter in effect or any successor statute thereto, (c) the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 (amending 42 USC § 4001, et seq.), as the same may be amended or recodified from time to time, and (d) the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 and any regulations promulgated thereunder.
Private applicator means an applicator who uses or supervises the use of any pesticide which is classified for restricted use for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him or his employer or, if applied without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities, on the property of another person.*
Planning Application means the application for [outline/full] planning permission dated [ ] bearing the Council’s reference number [ ];
Project applicant means the person submitting a Landscape Documentation Package required under Section 2.1 to request a permit, plan check, or design review from the local agency. A project applicant may be the property owner or his or her designee.
Land surveyor means the land surveyor appointed by the Seller, to act as such from time to time in respect of the Development or a member of a firm so appointed.
Sanitary sewer authority means the department, agency, or public entity with responsibility to review and approve the feasibility of sanitary sewer services or onsite wastewater systems.
Cathodic protection tester means a person who can demonstrate an understanding of the principles and measurements of all common types of cathodic protection systems as applied to buried or submerged metal piping and tank systems. At a minimum, such persons must have education and experience in soil resistivity, stray current, structure-to-soil potential, and component electrical isolation measurements of buried metal piping and tank systems.
Flood Insurance means the insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program.
School property means in or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground, parking lot or land contained within the real property boundary line of a public elementary or secondary school, or in or on a school bus, as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law §142.
Flood Insurance Study means the official report provided by the Federal Insurance Administration that includes flood profiles, the Flood Insurance Rate Map, the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, and the water surface elevation of the base flood.
Drug Application means a new drug application, an abbreviated drug application, or a product license application for any Product, as appropriate, as those terms are defined in the FDCA.