KEH definition

KEH means Kosmos Energy Holdings, a company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands with registered number 133483 and having its registered office at PO Box 32332, 4th Floor, Century Yard, Cricket Square, Elgin Avenue, Xxxxxx Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1209, Cayman Islands.
KEH means Kosmos Energy Holdings, a company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands with registered number 133483 and having its registered office at PO Box 32332, 4th Floor, Century Yard, Cricket Square, Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1209, Cayman Islands.

Examples of KEH in a sentence

  • It is anticipated that the Consultant’s report will reference reports by Allied Geotechnical, RFYeager, and KEH.

  • PHASE A – DESIGN Xxxx 0000 - Project Management Xxxx 0000 – Kickoff Meeting Consultant team will meet with City staff and representatives from KEH, Matalon, Darnell, and other Subconsultants and to discuss objectives, approach, schedule, milestones, and required data.

  • NAME AND ADDRESS SUBCONTRACTORS SCOPE OF SERVICES PERCENT OF CONTRACT SLBE/ELBE(*/ MBE/ WBE/DBE/ DVBE/OBE) ** WHERE CERTIFIED Allied Geotechnical Engineers, Inc 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxx 000 Xxxxxx, XX 00000 Geotechnical 1.93% SBE, MBE, DBE, SLBE CUCP, DGS, City of San Diego KEH & Associates, Inc.

  • Task 6030 – Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Subconsultant KEH will prepare an opinion of probable construction cost at the 90% design, and update it at the final completion stage.

  • Xxxxxx Xx., PE 1.67% President 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx X-000 Xxxxxxxx, XX 00000 619.647.6265 B2004009396 2 10 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx X-000 Xxxxxxxx, XX 00000 RFYeager Engineering LLC 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx X-000 Xxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Xxx Xxxxxxxx, Principal 16.53% 000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxx 0 Xxx Xxxxxx, XX 00000 858.413.5430 B2010036785 8 000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx 0 Xxx Xxxxxx, Xx 00000 KEH & Associates, Inc.

  • Xxxx 0000 – Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Subconsultant KEH will prepare an opinion of probable construction cost at the 90% design, and update it at the final completion stage.

Related to KEH

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  • pH means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.

  • Crown means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf;

  • CJI means criminal justice information collected by criminal justice agencies needed for the performance of their authorized functions, including, without limitation, all information defined as criminal justice information by the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy, as amended and all Criminal Justice Records as defined under §24-72-302, C.R.S.

  • IDG means interdepartmental grant.

  • SAM means the federal System for Award Management (SAM); which is the federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a recipient. 2 CFR 25 Appendix A (1)(C)(1).

  • SAHRC means the South African Human Rights Commission.

  • AASHTO means American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

  • CARB means the California Air Resources Board.

  • USMLE means the United States Medical Licensing Examination.