international organisation definition

international organisation means an organisation and its subordinate bodies governed by public international law, or any other body which is set up by, or on the basis of, an agreement between two or more countries.
international organisation means an entity established by formal political agreements between member countries that have the status of international treaties, whose existence is recognised by law in member countries and which is not treated as a resident institutional unit of the country in which it is located;
international organisation has the same meaning as in the GDPR;

Examples of international organisation in a sentence

  • This includes recognition of BSI as the United Kingdom member of ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) and CEN (European Committee for Standardisation).

More Definitions of international organisation

international organisation is defined in the GDPR as “an organisation and its subordinate bodies governed by public international law, or any other body which is set up by, or on the basis of, an agreement between two or more countries.”] Sub-Processors [name and contact address of Sub-Processor(s) (where applicable) and brief description of the nature of processing of personal data that they are undertaking under this agreement, where not applicable state N/A]
international organisation means any legal entity arising from an association of States, other than the Community, established on the basis of a treaty or similar act, having common institutions and an international legal personality distinct from that of its Member States.
international organisation means any international organisation whose members include any two or more States, or any organ of such an organisation;
international organisation means an international organisation-
international organisation means an organisation notified by the Central Government as an international organisation under section 3 of the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1947 (46 of 1947), to which the provisions of the Schedule to the said Act apply;
international organisation means an intergovernmental organisation, other than the European Community, which has legal personality under international public law, as well as any specialised agency set up by such an international organisation;
international organisation means any international organisation or wholly owned agency or instrumentality thereof. This category includes any intergovernmental organisation (including a supranational organisation) (1) that is comprised primarily of governments; (2) that has in effect a headquarters or substantially similar agreement with the jurisdiction; and (3) the income of which does not inure to the benefit of private persons.