Institutional definition

Institutional means land, buildings, structures or any part thereof used by any organization, group or association for promotion of charitable, educational or benevolent objectives and not for profit or gain;
Institutional means lands or Buildings used or designed or intended for use by an organized body, society or religious group for promoting a public or non-profit purpose and shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Places of Worship, medical clinics and Special Care Facilities;
Institutional means development of a building or structure intended for use:

Examples of Institutional in a sentence

  • The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Office of Institutional Equity,, 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx, 0000 Xxxx Xxxxx, Manhattan, KS 66506, 000-000-0000.

  • The activities undertaken on this IMoA shall be supervised by each participating institution international area’s responsible or by those officially designated for this purpose as SUPERVISOR, under the following conditions: For UFOPA, by the National and International Relations Advisor (ARNI): Name: Honorly Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institutional Address: Xxx Xxxx Xxx, s/x.

  • Resident Physician shall at all times meet the qualifications for resident eligibility outlined in the Institutional and Program Requirements as delineated on the ACGME website and according to policies, terms and conditions as outlined in the Resident Manual.

  • The Grantee agrees that prior to the initiation of the research, the Grantee will submit Institutional Review Board (IRB) application material for all research involving human subjects, which is conducted in programs sponsored by the Department or in programs which receive funding from or through the state of Michigan, to the Department’s IRB for review and approval, or the IRB application and approval materials for acceptance of the review of another IRB.

  • The Alumni Foundation will establish and, from time to time, modify asset allocation, disbursement, and spending policies and procedures that adhere to all current and future applicable federal and state laws including the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA) and the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA), as amended or modified from time to time.

More Definitions of Institutional

Institutional means a setting in a hospital, domiciliary, or nursing home of overnight stays of one or more days.
Institutional means an established organization, especially of a public or eleemosynary character. This term shall include, by way of example but not of limitation, the following: churches, community buildings, colleges, day care facilities, dormitories, drug or alcohol rehabilitation facilities, fire halls, fraternal organizations, golf courses and driving ranges, government buildings, hospitals, libraries, kindergartens or preschools, nursing homes, mortuaries, schools, social agencies, synagogues, parks and playgrounds.
Institutional means the institutional use of land or Buildings including, but not limited to, use for a school, hospital, correctional facility, or for a care facility including a senior's care residence where a minimum of 20 percent of the floor area of all Buildings located on the Lot are operated under a license issued pursuant to the Community Care and Assisted Living Act or any enactments that replace it.
Institutional means land, buildings, structures or any part thereof used by any organization, group or association for promotion of charitable, educational or benevolent objectives and not for profit or gain. For the purposes of s.s.7(2) herein, means development of a building or structure intended for use,
Institutional means an individual building structure for institutional uses as defined per the County Assessor (e.g., churches, hospitals, assisted living, schools, etc.).
Institutional means development that includes one or more of the following primary uses. The uses refer to the Use Categories in Title
Institutional. - means an established organization, especially of a public or charitable nature. This term shall include, by way of example, but not be limited to, the following: churches, community buildings, colleges, day care facilities, dormitories, drug or alcohol rehabilitation facilities, fire halls, fraternal organizations, golf courses and driving ranges, government buildings, hospitals,