Insanitary definition

Insanitary means contrary to sanitary principles; injurious to health.
Insanitary means contrary to sanitary principles and potentially injurious to health.
Insanitary means unclean or unhealthy and the term shall apply to food in the process of production, preparation, manufacture, packing, storing, sale, distribution, or transportation, which is not adequately protected from insects, flies, rodents, dust, and dirt and by all reasonable means from all other foreign or injurious contamination; or to refuse, dirt, or waste products subject to decomposition and fermentation incident to the manufacture, preparation, packing, storing, selling, distribution, or transportation of food, which are not removed daily; or to machinery, equipment and utensils used in food processing, preparation, manufacture, packing, storing, sale, distribution, or transportation, which are not maintained in a clean condition; or to clothing of persons engaged in food handling which is unclean; or to any other condition determined by the Department to constitute a health hazard.

Examples of Insanitary in a sentence

  • Christchurch City Council adopted their Earthquake Prone, Dangerous and Insanitary Building Policy in 2006.

  • Insanitary conditions are such that carcasses would be rendered adulterated and or contaminated.

  • Insanitary or unsafe inhabited dwelling accommodations or blighted areas exist in the municipality; or[PL 1987, c.

  • Participants must agree to ran- dom checks or inspections that may be conducted by the Service, at any time § 1235.1and at any location, to ensure compli- ance.

  • Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings are addressed in this first part of the Policy, while Earthquake Risk Buildings are addressed in the second part.

  • Chapter II of the Act contains provisions for Identification of Insanitary latrines.

  • Insanitary toilet / latrines in households are those where night soil is removed by human, serviced by animals or/and night soil is disposed into open drain or pit into which the excreta is discharged or flushed out, before the excreta fully decomposes.

  • The purpose of this policy is to: • Reduce the potential risk posed to residents in the district by Dangerous, Affected or Insanitary buildings; • Improve the control of, and encourage better practice in design and construction; and • Provide a clear framework of how Council will manage unsatisfactory building conditions.

  • Insanitary or unsafe conditions due to age and quality of structures and aging public utilities.

  • Council has a statutory responsibility to act promptly to ensure the safety of persons or property when buildings that may be Dangerous or Insanitary come to the Council’s attention.

More Definitions of Insanitary

Insanitary means an unclean or unhealthful condition where food in the process of production, preparation, manu- facture, packing, storing, sale, distribution or transportation is not protected from insects, flies, rodents, dust, dirt, or any other injurious contamination; or where refuse, dirt or waste products subject to decomposition and fermentation incident to the manufacture, preparation, packing, storing, selling, distributing, or transportation of food is not removed daily; or where all machinery, equipment and utensils are not maintained in a clean condition; or where the clothing of employees is unclean; or where there exists any other circumstance determined by the Department to con- stitute a health hazard.
Insanitary means a condition which is contrary to sanitary principles or is injurious to health. Conditions to which “insanitary” shall apply include, but are not limited to, the following:
Insanitary means any condition that is likely to cause disease.

Related to Insanitary

  • Sanitary with respect to a building, means it is free from danger or hazard to the health of persons occupying or frequenting it or to that of the public, if such danger arises from the method or materials of its construction or from any equipment installed therein, for the purpose of lighting, heating, ventilating, or plumbing.

  • Sewage means a combination of the water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions, and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface, and storm waters as may be present.

  • Sewerage system means pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, and force mains, and all other

  • Mental, Nervous or Psychological Disorder means a mental or nervous health condition including, but not limited to: anxiety, depression, neurosis, phobia, psychosis; or any related physical manifestation.

  • Expulsion means a denial of admission to the student’s current school placement in response to a behavioral violation, subject to the requirements in WAC 392-400-430 through 392-400-480

  • Garbage means solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage, and sale of produce.

  • Apprenticeable occupation means an occupation approved for apprenticeship by the United States department of labor, office of apprenticeship.

  • Mental disorder means any organic, mental, or emotional

  • Alcoholism means a disease, characterized by a dependency

  • Incapacitation means the state of being unable to physically or mentally make informed rational judgments and effectively communicate, and may include unconsciousness, sleep, or blackouts, and may result from the use of alcohol or other drugs. Where alcohol or other drugs are involved, evaluation of incapacitation requires an assessment of how the consumption of alcohol or drugs affects a person’s decision-making ability; awareness of consequences; ability to make informed, rational judgments; capacity to appreciate the nature and quality of the act; or level of consciousness. The assessment is based on objectively and reasonably apparent indications of incapacitation when viewed from the perspective of a sober, reasonable person.

  • Waste means any waste material (1) containing byproduct material and (2) resulting from the operation by any person or organization of any nuclear facility included within the definition of nuclear facility under paragraph (a) or (b) thereof; “nuclear facility” means

  • Medically incapacitated means a person who is incapacitated as a result of prescribed sedatives, anesthesia, or other medication.

  • Uninhabitable means (1) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; (2) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood; (3) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris or downed electrical lines; (4) the rental property is without electricity, gas, sewer service or water; or (5) the Destination is Inaccessible.

  • Clean (or ‘Cleaned’) means, as the case requires:

  • Sanitary Waste means wastes comprising of used diapers, sanitary towels or napkins, tampons, condoms, incontinence sheets and any other similar waste ;

  • Mentally incapacitated means that a person is rendered temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling his or her conduct whether this condition is produced by illness, defect, the influence of a substance or from some other cause. S.C. Code Ann. § 16-3-651(f).

  • Rubbish means solid or liquid wastes from residences, commercial establishments, or institutions.

  • Sewer means a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.

  • Sanitary sewerage means a system of public sewers for carrying off waste water and refuse, but excluding sewage treatment facilities, septic tanks, and leach fields owned or operated by the licensee or registrant.

  • Physiotherapist means a person who is a) duly registered with the Supplementary Medical Professions Council of Hong Kong pursuant to the Supplementary Medical Professions Ordinance (Cap. 359 of the Laws of Hong Kong) or in relation to jurisdictions outside of Hong Kong, a body of equivalent standing; and b) legally authorised for practising physiotherapy in the locality where the treatment is provided to an Insured, but in no circumstance shall include the Insured, the Policyholder, an insurance intermediary or an employer, employee, Immediate Family Member or business partner(s) of the Policyholder and/or the Insured(s).

  • Sanitary Sewage means wastewaters from residential, commercial and industrial sources introduced by direct connection to the sewerage collection system tributary to the treatment works including non-excessive inflow/infiltration sources.

  • Sanitary landfill means an engineered land burial facility for the disposal of household waste that is so located, designed, constructed, and operated to contain and isolate the waste so that it does not pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment. A sanitary landfill also may receive other types of solid wastes, such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, hazardous waste from conditionally exempt small quantity generators, construction, demolition, or debris waste and nonhazardous industrial solid waste. See 9VAC20-81 (Solid Waste Management Regulations) for further definitions of these terms.

  • drain means (subject to Section 219(2) of the 1991 Act) a drain used for the drainage of one building or any buildings or yards appurtenant to buildings within the same curtilage;

  • Plumbing means plumbing as defined in Section 1(1) of the Act.

  • Sewage sludge means a solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works as defined in section 6111.01 of the Revised Code. "Sewage sludge" includes, but is not limited to, scum or solids removed in primary, secondary, or advanced wastewater treatment processes. "Sewage sludge" does not include ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator, grit and screenings generated during preliminary treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works, animal manure, residue generated during treatment of animal manure, or domestic septage.

  • Alcohol Use Disorder means a disease that is characterized by a pattern of pathological use of alcohol with repeated attempts to control its use, and with negative consequences in at least one of the following areas of life: medical, legal, financial, or psycho-social; or