High definition

High reflects the highest closing level of the Index during the applicable year.
High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "High" if normal business processes are seriously affected. Necessary tasks cannot be performed. This is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the Computing Environment that are required immediately. The Incident is to be processed as quickly as possible because a continuing malfunction can seriously disrupt the entire productive business flow. 高:如正常业务流程受到严重影响,则该事件的优先级应归类为“高”。出现该优先级事件时,将无法执行必要任务。这是由于立即需要的计算环境不正确或无法运行导致的。由于持续的故障会严重破坏整个生产业务流程,所以必须尽快处理事件。
High refers to incidents that are vitally important and require immediate resolution as broad service users cannot perform mission-critical business.

Examples of High in a sentence

  • High risk activities warrant the use of either a Facilities Use Agreement which requires the user to carry liability coverage, or participant liability waivers, or both.

  • Agency will pay the Grant Funds from monies available through both the High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Fund and the Statewide Education Initiatives Account (“Funding Source”).

  • The Private School representatives shall be the High School Principal, the Curriculum Coordinator, and the Guidance Counselor or designee.

  • Dual Credit Courses eligible for FAST funding are those offered through either TEC, Section 130.008, Courses for Joint High School and Junior College Credit (see Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, Rules 4.81–4.85), or other courses offered by a public institution of higher education for which a high school student may earn credit.

  • All persons employed as a Tier I Custodian by this District shall, during such employment, possess either a valid High Pressure Boiler License issued by the Ohio Department of Commerce or a valid third class Stationary Engineer’s License as issued by the Ohio Department of Commerce for the current year, and/or such other certifications as the Union and District may mutually agree.

More Definitions of High

High means any service requests that concern with the critical part of your service usage and could probably cause damage. The requests shall be managed urgently due to the high impact.
High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "High" if normal business processes are seriously affected. Necessary tasks cannot be performed. This is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the Computing Environment that are required immediately. The Incident is to be processed as quickly as possible because a continuing malfunction can seriously disrupt the entire productive business flow.
High rating means that the area is easily accessible with the assets and personnel already in place. Such an area may already be patrolled and would not require additional assets. Additional funding may be required to maintain adequate enforcement patrols.
High means harm could happen at any time or did happen. The violation could directly lead to harm without the need for other significant circumstances or failures. If the deficient practice con- tinues, it would be likely that harm could happen at any time to any patient.
High risk profile means that the Fund may experience periods of negative and/or volatile returns, and a loss of value, while offering the potential for greater returns.
High in this context means above main deck or thwart level. Pay particular attention to masts and gantries, and deckhouse tops and contents -particularly in the case of spare fishing gear which can be heavy.
High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "High" if normal business processes are seriously affected. Necessary tasks cannot be performed. This is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the Computing Environment that are required immediately. The Incident is to be processed as quickly as possible because a continuing malfunction can seriously disrupt the entire productive business flow./ Tinggi: Suatu Insiden harus dikategorikan dengan prioritas "Tinggi" jika proses bisnis normal terdampak serius. Pekerjaan-pekerjaan penting tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh fungsi xxxx xxxxx atau tidak bisa beroperasi dalam Lingkungan Komputasi yang segera diperlukan. Insiden akan diproses sesegera mungkin karena kegagalan fungsi yang berkelanjutan dapat mengganggu alur proses bisnis produktif secara menyeluruh.