Gross Toll Revenues definition

Gross Toll Revenues means the gross toll revenues (net of VAT and collection expenses) received by the Concessionaire during the relevant period;

Examples of Gross Toll Revenues in a sentence

  • This was done on a year-by- year basis for about thirty-five years of operation. Toll/Bridge Operating Costs and Conversion of Gross Toll Revenues to Net Toll RevenuesThe costs of toll operations and maintaining and rehabilitating the bridge were estimated on the basis of comparable operations on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, as well as the current I-5 and I-205 Bridges.

  • The Department shall have the right to dispute the Concessionaire’s calculation of the Gross Toll Revenues or the Gross Toll Share Payment or to request reasonable additional information, clarification or amendment of such calculation, at any time for a period of one year following the submission of the audit and other data referenced in Section 2.2 above.

  • The formula for the Gross Toll Share Payment for the Agreement Year in which the Gross Toll Share Payment Trigger occurs is:[(The audited Cumulative Gross Toll Revenues as of the last day of the Agreement Year in which the Gross Toll Share Payment Trigger occurs minus Gross Toll Share Payment Trigger Amount) x 0.2].

  • If, after reasonable efforts, the Department still does not agree with the calculation of the Gross Toll Revenues or the Gross Toll Share Payment, the dispute shall be resolved according to the Dispute Resolution Procedures of Article 21 of the Agreement.

  • The Parties agree to place the Fred Ex Project Binding Proposal Base Case Financial Model into escrow to use in connection with the calculation of the Cumulative Projected Gross Toll Revenues.

  • This section documents the anticipated uses of Adjusted Gross Toll Revenues & Fees, which are those operating expenses that would be paid from toll revenues upstream of debt service and contributions to various reserve accounts, including those for deferred sales taxes and periodic repair and rehabilitation costs.

  • The Concessionaire shall create and maintain a tab within each version of the Base Case Financial Model Update (Fred Ex Final) and each succeeding BaseCase Financial Model Update, which tab compares the actual Cumulative Gross Toll Revenues to the Gross Toll Share Payment Trigger Amount in accordance with Section 6.02(e) of the Agreement.

  • YTD Adjusted Gross Toll Revenues were $69.3 million, which was $5.4 million (or 7.2 percent) below prior forecast.

  • The formula for the Gross Toll Share Payment for any Agreement Year after the Agreement Year in which the Gross Toll Share Payment Trigger occurs is: [T x 0.2], where: T = the audited Gross Toll Revenues received by the Concessionaire during the relevant Agreement Year.

  • Upon and after the Gross Toll Payment Share Trigger Date, the Concessionaire shall be obligated to pay to the Department an amount equal to 20% of the Gross Toll Revenues received by or on behalf of the Concessionaire during the remainder of the Term (the “Gross Toll Share”), in accordance with this Exhibit J-2.

Related to Gross Toll Revenues

  • TIF Revenues means incremental ad valorem taxes generated by the Project which are allocated to and paid to the Authority pursuant to the Act.

  • Total Revenues means revenues from all taxes and fees, excluding revenue from funds managed by local government on behalf of a specific third party, and does not include the proceeds from borrowing or asset sales.

  • Gross Revenue means:

  • Gross Revenues means all amounts actually collected as rents or other charges for the use and occupancy of the Properties, but shall exclude interest and other investment income of Owner and proceeds received by Owner for a sale, exchange, condemnation, eminent domain taking, casualty or other disposition of assets of Owner.

  • Gross receipts means the total revenue derived from sales, work done, or service rendered.

  • Gross Operating Revenues means, for any period of time for any Hotel Property, without duplication, all income and proceeds of sales of every kind (whether in cash or on credit and computed on an accrual basis) received by the owner (or, if such Hotel Property is ground leased, the ground lessee) of such Hotel Property or the applicable Operating Lessee or Manager for the use, occupancy or enjoyment of such Hotel Property or the sale of any goods, services or other items sold on or provided from such Hotel Property in the ordinary course of operation of such Hotel Property, including, without limitation, all income received from tenants, transient guests, lessees, licensees and concessionaires and other services to guests at such Hotel Property, and the proceeds from business interruption insurance, but excluding the following: (i) any excise, sales or use taxes or similar governmental charges collected directly from patrons or guests, or as a part of the sales price of any goods, services or displays, such as gross receipts, admission, cabaret or similar or equivalent taxes; (ii) receipts from condemnation awards or sales in lieu of or under threat of condemnation; (iii) proceeds of insurance (other than business interruption insurance); (iv) other allowances and deductions as provided by the Uniform System in determining the sum contemplated by this definition, by whatever name, it may be called; (v) proceeds of sales, whether dispositions of capital assets, FF&E or equipment (other than sales of Inventory in the ordinary course of business); (vi) gross receipts received by tenants, lessees (other than Operating Lessees), licensees or concessionaires of the owner (or, if such Hotel Property is ground leased, the ground lessee) of such Hotel Property; (vii) consideration received at such Hotel Property for hotel accommodations, goods and services to be provided at other hotels although arranged by, for or on behalf of, and paid over to, the applicable Manager; (viii) tips, service charges and gratuities collected for the benefit of employees; (ix) proceeds of any financing; (x) working capital provided by the Parent Guarantor or any Subsidiary of the Parent Guarantor or the applicable Operating Lessee; (xi) amounts collected from guests or patrons of such Hotel Property on behalf of tenants of such Hotel Property and other third parties; (xii) the value of any goods or services in excess of actual amounts paid (in cash or services) provided by the applicable Manager on a complimentary or discounted basis; and (xiii) other income or proceeds resulting other than from the use or occupancy of such Hotel Property, or any part thereof, or other than from the sale of goods, services or other items sold on or provided from such Hotel Property in the ordinary course of business. Gross Operating Revenues shall be reduced by credits or refunds to guests at such Hotel Property.

  • Gross Rooms Revenue means all revenues derived from the sale or rental of Guest Rooms (both transient and permanent) of the Hotel, including revenue derived from the redemption of points or rewards under the loyalty programs in which the Hotel participates, amounts attributable to breakfast (where the guest room rate includes breakfast), Mandatory Guest Fees, late cancellation fees, and guaranteed no- show revenue and credit transactions, whether or not collected, at the actual rates charged, less allowances for any Guest Room rebates and overcharges, and will not include taxes collected directly from patrons or guests. Group booking rebates, if any, paid by you or on your behalf to third-party groups for group stays must be included in, and not deducted from, the calculation of Gross Rooms Revenue.

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Net Revenues means the difference between:

  • Operating Revenues means, for any, period, the gross revenues arising from the ownership and operation of the Properties during such period, including proceeds of any business interruption or rental loss insurance and amounts released from reserves, but specifically excluding Capital Proceeds, Capital Contributions and proceeds of Indebtedness.

  • Operating Revenue means amounts accrued or charge to customers, cli- ents, and tenants, for the sale of prod- ucts manufactured or purchased for re- sale, for services, and for rentals of property held primarily for leasing to others. It includes both reimbursable costs and fees under cost-type con- tracts and percentage-of-completion sales accruals except that it includesonly the fee for management contracts under which the contractor acts essen- tially as an agent of the Government in the erection or operation of Govern- ment-owned facilities. It excludes inci- dental interest, dividends, royalty, and rental income, and proceeds from the sale of assets used in the business.

  • CAISO Revenues means the net amount resulting from (a) the credits and other payments received by Buyer, as Seller’s Scheduling Coordinator, as a result of test energy from the Project delivered by Seller during the Test Period, including revenues associated with CAISO dispatches and (b) the debits, costs, penalties and interest that are directly assigned by the CAISO to the CAISO Global Resource ID for the Project for, or attributable to, scheduling and deliveries from the Project under this Agreement, which amount may result in a negative or positive value.

  • Gross Profits means the gross profits calculated under section 4;

  • Total Revenue bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and promulgated in the Government Gazette on 9 February 2007;

  • Net Sales Revenue shall have the meaning as set out in Schedule "A"

  • gross tonnage means the gross tonnage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement regulations contained in Annex I to the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 or any successor Convention.

  • System Revenues means all rates, rents, fees, charges,

  • Adjusted gross receipts means the gross receipts less winnings paid to wagerers.

  • Net Revenue means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Net Revenue” is synonymous with “Profit.”

  • Gross income means the same as it does for income tax purposes, even if the income is not actually taxable, such as interest on tax-free bonds. Examples include: compensation for services, income from business, gains from property dealings, interest, rents, dividends, pensions, IRA distributions, social security, distributive share of partnership gross income, and alimony, but not child support.

  • Gross Income from Operations means, during any period, all sustainable income as reported on the financial statements delivered by Borrower in accordance with this Agreement, computed in accordance with GAAP, derived from the ownership and operation of the Property from whatever source during such period, including (i) Rents from Tenants that are in occupancy, open for business and paying full contractual rent without right of offset or credit, (ii) utility charges, (iii) escalations, (iv) forfeited security deposits, (v) interest on credit accounts, (vi) service fees or charges, (vii) license fees, (viii) parking fees, (ix) rent concessions or credits, (x) income from vending machines, (xi) business interruption or other loss of income or rental insurance proceeds, (xii) other required pass-throughs and (xiii) interest on Reserve Funds, if any, but excluding (i) Rents from month-to-month Tenants, Tenants during a free-rent period, or Tenants that are included in any Bankruptcy Action, (ii) sales, use and occupancy or other taxes on receipts required to be accounted for by Borrower to any Governmental Authority, (iii) refunds and uncollectible accounts, (iv) sales of furniture, fixtures and equipment, (v) Insurance Proceeds (other than business interruption or other loss of income or rental insurance), (vi) Awards, (vii) unforfeited security deposits, (viii) utility and other similar deposits and (ix) any disbursements to Borrower from the Reserve Funds, if any. Gross income shall not be diminished as a result of the Security Instrument or the creation of any intervening estate or interest in the Property or any part thereof.

  • Gross Sales means the sum total of all retail sales of tangible personal property or services as

  • Advertising Revenues means revenues derived from sales of advertising that are made available to Grantee’s Cable System subscribers within the Town and shall be allocated on a pro rata basis using total Cable Service subscribers reached by the advertising. Additionally, Grantee agrees that Gross Revenues subject to franchise fees shall include all commissions, rep fees, Affiliated Entity fees, or rebates paid to National Cable Communications (“NCC”) and Comcast Spotlight (“Spotlight”) or their successors associated with sales of advertising on the Cable System within the Town allocated according to this paragraph using total Cable Service subscribers reached by the advertising.

  • Sales Tax Revenues means taxes collected under the Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Act

  • Tax Revenues means the Personal Income Taxes and such other revenues, including Alternative Revenues (but excluding Building Aid), as the Authority may derive directly from the State from taxes imposed by the City or the State and collected by the State.

  • Adjusted Revenue means revenue less Digital Platform Fulfilment Revenue.