Foreign cooperative definition

Foreign cooperative means a corporation organized under laws other than the laws of this state operating on a cooperative basis or a similar basis that is provided in those other laws as a criterion for being a cooperative.
Foreign cooperative means a foreign business entity organized to conduct business consistent with this chapter or chapter 497, 498, or 499.
Foreign cooperative means an association incorporated under a cooperative law of another state which has members resid- ing within this state and which is operating on the following coop- erative basis:

Examples of Foreign cooperative in a sentence

  • Foreign cooperative" means a corporation organized under laws other than the laws of this state operating on a cooperative basis or a similar basis that is provided in those other laws as a criterion for being a cooperative.

  • Foreign cooperative authority.Upon issuance of the secretary of state's certificate of authority, a foreign cooperative is entitled to all rights, exemptions, and privileges of a cooperative organized for the same purposes under the laws of this state.

  • Currently the PRC has established a state security leading group, which is taking over the role of the FALSG.64 Foreign cooperative relationships are essential to both China’s international security and domestic development and could be a means to strengthen the country.According to Beijing, China’s virtue in international affairs consists in the fact that its foreign policy is based not on expediency but on immutable principles that express universal values such as justice and equity.

  • Once a lawyer is disbarred, they cannot perform any professional duties or represent clients.135 Currently at least 21 lawyers have been disbarred, suspended, or criminally prosecuted.

More Definitions of Foreign cooperative

Foreign cooperative means a foreign business entity organized to conduct business on a cooperative plan consistent with this chapter or ch. 185.
Foreign cooperative means a cooperative corporation organized under laws other than the laws of this state.
Foreign cooperative means an entity formed under the law of a jurisdiction other than this state that is functionally equivalent to a domestic cooperative.
Foreign cooperative means an entity organized in a jurisdiction other than this state under a law similar to this chapter.
Foreign cooperative means an association incorporated under a cooperative law of another state which has members residing within this state and which is operating on the following cooperative bases:
Foreign cooperative means an entity organized in a
Foreign cooperative means an entity that aggregates food from growers or processors that is intended for export to the United States. Section 808 of the FD&C Act does not provide a definition of “foreign cooperative,” so we relied upon the statutory description of foreign cooperatives in section 808(c)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act.