FCO definition

FCO means the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
FCO means the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt).
FCO means Fire Control Officer; “FO” means Finance Officer;

Examples of FCO in a sentence

  • Such review or examination will be carried out by a representative of FCO or a duly authorized independent Chartered Accountant or Chartered Professional Accountant.

  • If FCO pays to Lead Agency an amount that is less than $1,000,000 in total annual payments on account of the Funds, the Service Provider will provide an annual financial statement prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not for profit organizations or for private enterprises, as applicable, as set out above, excluding the Auditor's Report.

  • If FCO pays to Lead Agency an amount that is $1,000,000 or more in total annual payments on account of the Funds, Lead Agency will prepare and submit an annual audited f inancial statement prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not for prof it organizations or for private enterprises, as applicable, within 120 calendar days following the end of the Lead Agency’s fiscal year.

  • The proposed location or relocation of the Facility must be submitted to FCO for final agreement before Lead Agency completes a lease agreement or purchase.

  • Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Lead Agency will consult with FCO on the application of accreditation standards to Foundry Services where applicable.

More Definitions of FCO

FCO means the Full Corporate Offer sent by the Buyer or Seller on their company letterhead and indicating all terms and conditions including the quantity and the discount based on the LBMA prices being offered, etc. and is usually signed by the Seller and the Buyer before proceeding with a CIS, BRL, SPA, etc.;
FCO means Field Change Order.
FCO means Full Core Offer’ as set by Government (see paragraph 2.2)
FCO means the Foreign & Commonwealth Office;
FCO means the Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt)
FCO means the German Federal Cartel Office.