Emera Energy Services definition

Emera Energy Services or “EES” means Emera Energy Services, Inc., a natural gas and electricity marketing and trading company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware and a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Emera Energy Incorporated;
Emera Energy Services or “EES” means Emera Energy LP and Emera Energy Services, Inc., a natural gas and electricity marketing and trading company and a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Emera incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, which together form a natural gas and electricity marketing and trading business;
Emera Energy Services means Emera Energy Services, Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware and a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Emera Energy Incorporated;

Examples of Emera Energy Services in a sentence

  • Business operations in Other include: ● Emera Energy, which consists of: ● Emera Energy Services (“EES”), a wholly owned physical energy marketing and trading business; ● Emera Energy Generation (“EEG”), a wholly owned portfolio of electricity generation facilities in New England and the Maritime provinces of Canada.

  • Under USGAAP, the Company has determined that Emera Energy Services has a US functional currency.

  • Under CGAAP, the Company’s Canadian division of Emera Energy Services had a Canadian functional currency.

  • Emera Energy Services, Emera Energy’s marketing and trading business is generally dependent on market conditions.

  • In addition to capitalizing on volatility-driven market opportunities, Emera Energy Services expects to continue to grow organically by building market share through strong customer service, optimizing Emera Energy’s portfolio to build on power margin, and expanding its geographic reach to adjacent markets, including the Mid-Atlantic region.

  • Emera EnergyEmera Energy includes the following: · Emera Energy Services (“EES”), a wholly owned physical energy marketing and trading business.· Emera Energy Generation (“EEG”), a wholly owned portfolio of electricity generation facilities in New England and the Maritime provinces of Canada with 1,435 megawatts (“MW”) of total capacity.

  • Business operations in Other include Emera Energy, which consists of: ● Emera Energy Services (“EES”), a wholly owned physical energy marketing and trading business; ● Brooklyn Power Corporation (“Brooklyn Energy’), a 30 MW biomass co-generation electricity facility in Brooklyn, Nova Scotia; and ● an equity investment in a 50.0 per cent joint venture ownership of Bear Swamp, a 600 MW pumped storage hydroelectric facility in northwestern Massachusetts.

  • Business operations in Other include Emera Energy, which consists of: ● Emera Energy Services (“EES”), a wholly owned physical energy marketing and trading business; and ● an equity investment in a 50.0 per cent joint venture ownership of Bear Swamp, a 600 MW pumped storage hydroelectric facility in northwestern Massachusetts.

  • In addition to the items noted for the quarter, the year-to-date increase is also as a result of the favourable impact of cold weather in early 2018 in several of Emera Energy Services key market areas.

  • Emera Energy Services Inc., a Delaware corporation, is engaged in marketing power and gas.

Related to Emera Energy Services

  • water services means water supply services and sanitation services;

  • renewable energy sources means renewable sources such as small hydro, wind, solar including its integration with combined cycle, biomass, bio fuel cogeneration, urban or municipal waste and other such sources as approved by the MNRE;

  • Renewable Energy Source means an energy source that is not fossil carbon-based, non- renewable or radioactive, and may include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, or wave, tidal and thermal ocean technologies, and includes a Certified Renewable Energy Source.

  • Renewable energy system means a fixture, product, device, or interacting group of fixtures, products, or devices on the customer's side of the meter that use 1 or more renewable energy resources to generate electricity. Renewable energy system includes a biomass stove but does not include an incinerator or digester.

  • Renewable energy resources means energy derived from solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectricity. A fuel cell using hydrogen derived from these eligible resources is also an eligible electric generation technology. Fossil and nuclear fuels and their derivatives are not eligible resources.

  • Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.

  • Solar energy system means a system of components that produces heat or electricity, or both, from

  • Renewable energy resource means a resource that naturally replenishes over a human, not a geological, time frame and that is ultimately derived from solar power, water power, or wind power. Renewable energy resource does not include petroleum, nuclear, natural gas, or coal. A renewable energy resource comes from the sun or from thermal inertia of the earth and minimizes the output of toxic material in the conversion of the energy and includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:

  • Energy Storage Resource means a resource capable of receiving electric energy from the grid and storing it for later injection to the grid that participates in the PJM Energy, Capacity and/or Ancillary Services markets as a Market Participant. Facilities Study:

  • Cloud Services means SAP’s then-current cloud services offered under and described in detail in the applicable SAP PartnerEdge Model.

  • energy storage means, in the electricity system, deferring the final use of electricity to a moment later than when it was generated, or the conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy or use as another energy carrier;

  • Telehealth services means the mode of delivering health care services and public health via information and communication technologies to facilitate the diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while the patient is at the originating site and the provider for telehealth is at a distant site. Telehealth facilitates patient self-management and caregiver support for patients and includes synchronous interactions and asynchronous store and forward transfers.

  • Eligible Renewable Energy Resource or “ERR” has the meaning set forth in California Public Utilities Code Section 399.12 and California Public Resources Code Section 25741, as either code provision is amended or supplemented from time to time.

  • Energy means electricity, natural gas, steam, hot or chilled water, fuel oil, or other product for use in a building, or renewable on-site electricity generation, for purposes of providing heating, cooling, lighting, water heating, or for powering or fueling other end-uses in the building and related facilities, as reflected in Utility bills or other documentation of actual Energy use.

  • Homemaker services means the professionally directed or supervised simple household maintenance or management services provided by trained homemakers or individuals to families in their own homes.

  • Company Services means any services (including but not limited to technical and product support, technical advice, underwriting and customer services) supplied by the Company or its Affiliates in the specialty property and/or casualty insurance business.

  • Renewable energy means energy derived from sunlight, wind, falling water, biomass, sustainable or

  • Net energy metering means the difference between the kilowatt-hours consumed by a customer-generator and the kilowatt-hours generated by the customer- generator's facility over any time period determined as if measured by a single meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions.