Examples of Educational credentials in a sentence
ICES evaluates credentials and provides a comparison to Canadian Educational credentials.
Forestry Sector◾ Average pay is KRW 29.3 million◾ 43 percent of workers hold “regular jobs”◾ Educational credentials of workers:🢭 59 percent of workers have high school degrees or less.🢭 28 percent have Bachelor’s degrees or higher◾ Women are 24 percent of workforce.
Educational credentials listed below are for Developmental Specialist only.
Educational credentials" means degrees, diplomas, certificates, transcripts, reports, documents, or letters of designation, marks, appellations, series of letters, numbers, or words which signify, purport, or are generally taken to signify enrollment, attendance, progress, orsatisfactory completion of the requirements or prerequisites for education at a postsecondary educational institution operating in this state.
Educational credentials and labour market experience account for a large part of the earnings progression over the life cycle (Trappe & Rosenfeld, 1998).