Downtown Core Area definition

Downtown Core Area means that area of land in the City of Prince Rupert shown outlined on the Map attached as Schedule A;
Downtown Core Area means the area: BOUNDED on the North by Euston Street; ON the East by Prince Street;ON the South by the Northern boundary of the Hillsborough Harbour; and ON the West by the Eastern boundary of Pownal Street;
Downtown Core Area. ' shall mean that area in the City of San Jose bounded by Julian Street to the north, Fourth Street to the east, Highway 280 to the south and Highway 87 to the west.

Examples of Downtown Core Area in a sentence

  • The County agrees to contribute the actual cost up to $17.00 per biweekly pay period, directly to the Central Parking District, for eligible employees who work in the Downtown Core Area, as defined in the report on Employee Parking in Downtown Stockton as adopted by the Board of Supervisors February 13, 2001.

  • Unlike other mediations, the ability of HMRC to engage in the widest possible range of settlement proposals is constrained by their powers of "good management" which have been judicially determined and the practice set out in the "refreshed" LSS.

  • Effective upon implementation of the Select and Premier Healthcare Plans the County agrees to contribute the actual cost up to $17.00 per biweekly pay period, directly to the Central Parking District, for eligible employees who work in the Downtown Core Area, as defined in the report on Employee Parking in Downtown Stockton as adopted by the Board of Supervisors February 13, 2001.

  • The revitalization tax exemption program is established under this Bylaw to promote the revitalization of the Downtown Core Area, through the construction or redevelopment of buildings used for commercial, light industrial or multiple family residential purposes.

  • City of Victoria Density Bonus Policy Study: For Sites Outside the Downtown Core Area.

  • That consolidation of office space for all Departments be focused in the Downtown Core Area in as few building locations as practical and economically viable.

  • To allow Central Avenue to accommodate two-way traffic through the Downtown Core Area, a north and south transition realignment would be required to accommodate the one-way, south bound traffic.

  • The maximum density shown in the OCP may or may not be achievable given individual site characteristics and objectives of the OCP as refined by the Downtown Core Area Plan.

  • Foster a stronger Downtown Core Area by concentrating retail commercial along the core area of Laurier Street, reducing through traffic and placing an emphasis on this area being community focused and a people place.

  • Potential Applicants are requested to contact the Town’s Downtown Core Area CIP Coordinator and make arrangements to meet and discuss your proposed improvements.

More Definitions of Downtown Core Area

Downtown Core Area means the Town of Renfrew’s downtown area bounded by Argyle St on the west, Bridge St. on the north, Plaunt St. on the east and Hall St. at Raglan St. S. on the south.
Downtown Core Area means the area: BOUNDED on the North by Euston Street; ON the East by Prince Street;
Downtown Core Area means those lands contained within the following boundaries:

Related to Downtown Core Area

  • Drainage area means a geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.

  • Downtown means the area covered by the Downtown Community Plan.(BYLAW 7688, 2014)

  • apartment building means a residential use building, or the residential use portion of a mixed-use building, other than a townhouse or stacked townhouse containing four or more dwelling units each of which shall have access to above grade common halls, stairs, elevators, and yards;

  • Shopping Center means the Shopping Center identified on the initial page hereof.

  • Shopping Centre means a grouping of commercial retail outlets which have been designed, developed and managed as a unit by a single owner or group of owners or tenants located on the same lot or lots with a frontage not less than 45 metres and having common on-site parking;

  • Tourism destination project means a qualified non-gaming

  • Basal area means the effective surface area available to transmit the treated effluent from the filter media in a mound system into the in-situ receiving soils. The perimeter is measured at the interface of the imported fill material and in-situ soil. On sloping sites, only the area down-gradient from the up-slope edge of the distribution media may be included in this calculation.

  • Residential building means a building containing one or more residential dwellings.

  • townsite in relation to the townsite to be established near the harbour means a townsite (whether or not constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act) primarily to facilitate the Company’s operations in and near the harbour and for employees of the Company and in relation to the mining areas means such a townsite or townsites or any other townsite or townsites which is or are established by the Company for the purposes of its operations and employees on or near the mining areas in lieu of a townsite constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act;

  • Redevelopment Area means the community redevelopment area described, defined or otherwise identified or referred to in the Redevelopment Plan.

  • Large municipal separate storm sewer system means all municipal separate storm sewers that are either:

  • Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.

  • Contributory drainage area means the area from which stormwater runoff drains to a stormwater management measure, not including the area of the stormwater management measure itself.