Distinctive Marks definition

Distinctive Marks means Norid’s trademarks, accreditation symbol or similar items that Norid allows the Registrar to use in marketing a Domain Name Subscription.
Distinctive Marks means a name, trademark, figurative or composite trademark, and/or logo of the merchant appearing on the Kelkoo Site(s) in proximity to the Product Information and/or Offers. Fees: shall mean all fees and charges payable by the Merchant pursuant to this Agreement.

Examples of Distinctive Marks in a sentence

  • For more information about trademark dilution, see CRS Report RL33393, Protecting Famous, Distinctive Marks: The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006, by Brian T.

  • The agreement shall also be considered terminated in the case of a transfer of the Fineco Marks and of the Other Distinctive Marks following the exercise by FinecoBank of its option to purchase.

  • For more information about trademark dilution, see CRS Report RL33393, Protecting Famous, Distinctive Marks: The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006, by (name redacted).

  • This is a complex and important issue that I will deal with specifically at page 16 of this report.In addition to the records held on the PNC, the National Policing Improvement Agencyand Convictions and a Register of Distinctive Marks.

  • For more information about trademark dilution generally, see CRS Report RL33393,Protecting Famous, Distinctive Marks: The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006, by Brian T.

  • The Council APPROVED the re-appointment of Mr. Heung Shu-fai as Member of the Distinctive Marks and Ceremonial Dress Committee for a further period of three years from 18th October, 2011.

  • Maxwell-Stewart and Duffield have written of the humiliation Australian convicts experienced as they were stripped and examined.48 I have referred to this process in the nineteenth-century South Asian context, where Indian convicts were also made subject to close physical scrutiny, as the exercise of bio-power.49 In Britain, the passing of the 1869 Habitual Criminals Act was accompanied by the establishment of a Register of Distinctive Marks to facilitate the identification of repeat offenders.

  • This representation is usually a word in its original form, or a lemmatized version of it, together with a word class tag derived from grammatical rules which is agreed upon before using a lexicon.

  • For more information about trademark dilution generally, see CRS Report RL33393,Protecting Famous, Distinctive Marks: The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006, by (name redacted).

Related to Distinctive Marks

  • Licensed Marks means the Localized Game Marks and such other trademarks expressly authorized in writing by Shengqu to be used by the Licensees.

  • Product Marks has the meaning set forth in Section 9.5.

  • collective mark means any visible sign designated as such in the application for registration and capable of distinguishing the origin or any other common characteristic, including the quality, of goods or services of different enterprises which use the sign under the control of the registered owner of the collective mark;

  • Proprietary Marks shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 24.01.

  • Licensed Trademarks means the trademarks, service marks, trade dress, logos and other icons or indicia designated by SCEA in the SourceBook 2 or other Guidelines for use on or in connection with Licensed Products. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall in any way grant Publisher the right to use the trademark "Sony" in any manner. SCEA may amend such Licensed Trademarks from time to time in the SourceBook 2 or other Guidelines or upon written notice to Publisher.

  • Marks means any and all trademarks, service marks, trade names, taglines, company names, and logos, including unregistered and common-law rights in the foregoing, and rights under registrations of and applications to register the foregoing.

  • Insignia means Insignia Financial Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

  • Brand Features means the trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features of each party, respectively, as secured by such party from time to time.

  • Licensed Trademark means those Trademarks set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and such other Trademarks as may be designated by NovaDel in writing from time to time, and any registrations of the foregoing and pending applications relating thereto.

  • Company Marks means the trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, and/or service names of the Company.

  • Service mark means a word, name, symbol, or device or any combination of a word, name, symbol, or device, used by a person to identify services and to distinguish the services of that person, including a unique service, from the services of others, and to indicate the source of the services, even if that source is unknown. Titles, character names used by a person, and other distinctive features of radio or television programs may be registered as service marks notwithstanding that they, or the programs, may advertise the goods of a sponsor.

  • Trade Marks mean registered Trade Marks and Trade Xxxx applications and include any sign or logo, or combination of signs and/or logos capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of another undertaking;

  • Product Trademarks means the Trademark(s) to be used by AbbVie or its Affiliates or its or their respective Sublicensees for the Development or Commercialization of Licensed Products in the Territory and any registrations thereof or any pending applications relating thereto in the Territory (excluding, in any event, any trademarks, service marks, names or logos that include any corporate name or logo of the Parties or their Affiliates).

  • Trade Dress means the print, style, font, color, graphics, labels, packaging and other elements of trade dress (including Bottle Designs or other Container designs) that are (a) used on or in connection with Products as of the date hereof (including the Bottle Designs as of the date hereof for Corona, Negra Modelo and Modelo Especial), or (b) permitted pursuant to this Agreement after the date hereof to be used in connection with the marketing, merchandising, promotion, advertisement, licensing, distribution and sale of Products in the Territory.

  • Proprietary mark or “brand” means the mark or brand of a product which is owned by an industrial firm;

  • Logo means the SAP Partner logo as detailed in the SAP Partner Logo Usage Guidelines.

  • Transferred Trademarks means all registered and common law Trademarks of Seller in any jurisdiction in the world, including the Product names and the Trademarks listed on Schedule 1.1(eeee).

  • Product brand name means the name of the product exactly as it appears on the principal display panel of the product.

  • Custom Calling Features means a set of Telecommunications Service features available to residential and single-line business customers including call-waiting, call-forwarding and three-party calling.

  • Product Trademark means (a) any trademark or trade name, whether or not registered, or any trademark application, renewal, extension or modification thereto, in the Territory, or any trade dress and packaging, that is applied to or used with Products by Xxxxxx and (b) all goodwill associated therewith, and any promotional materials relating thereto.

  • Brand means the brand name set forth in the Addendum.

  • Licensed Materials means any materials that Executive utilizes for the benefit of the Company (or any Subsidiary thereof), or delivers to the Company or the Company’s Customers, which (a) do not constitute Work Product, (b) are created by Executive or of which Executive is otherwise in lawful possession and (c) Executive may lawfully utilize for the benefit of, or distribute to, the Company or the Company’s Customers.

  • Domain Names means all Internet domain names and associated URL addresses in or to which any Grantor now or hereafter has any right, title or interest.

  • Promotional Materials means the core written, printed, video or graphic advertising, promotional, educational and communication materials (other than Collaboration Product labeling) for marketing, advertising and promotion of the Collaboration Products.

  • Common Channel Signaling (CCS means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.

  • Trademarks means any trademark and servicemark rights, whether registered or not, applications to register and registrations of the same and like protections, and the entire goodwill of the business of Borrower connected with and symbolized by such trademarks.