Direct Losses definition

Direct Losses means all damages, losses, liabilities, penalties, fines, assessments, claims, actions, costs, expenses (including the cost of legal or professional services, legal costs being on a substantial indemnity basis), proceedings, demands and charges whether arising under statute, contract or at common law, except Indirect Losses.
Direct Losses means damages, losses, indebtedness, claims, actions, costs (including the cost of legal or professional services, legal costs being on an indemnity basis), expenses, liabilities, proceedings, demands and charges whether arising under statute, contract or at common law, but excluding Indirect Losses;
Direct Losses means any Losses other than those described in Rule 527(d). “Director” means any member of the Board.

Examples of Direct Losses in a sentence

  • Design-Builder shall, in the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 14.1(a) for a Termination Event, indemnify the City against any Direct Losses incurred by the City in consequence of Design-Builder accessing and using the City Lands and Infrastructure after termination of this Agreement pursuant to this provision.

  • In all other cases of the early termination of this Agreement, Design-Builder shall be required to indemnify the City for Direct Losses associated with the foregoing access and use of the City Lands to the extent the Legal Fault of Design- Builder caused or contributed to the Direct Losses.

  • Formatted: Font: 6.5 pt, Font colour: Grey-90% Subject to the terms of this Agreement, if an act or omission of User causes or contributes to ADEWAP suffering or incurring Direct Losses, User is liable for, and must indemnify ADEWAP from and against all Direct Losses arising out of such act or omission.

  • Upon termination of this Agreement, Design-Builder shall cease to have any right of access to and use of the City Lands and the Infrastructure other than as is available to any member of the public and, if Design-Builder fails to comply with this Section 3.15 [Access and Use Rights to Cease], it shall indemnify the City against any Direct Losses incurred by the City in consequence of such failure.

More Definitions of Direct Losses

Direct Losses means, subject to the provisions of Clause 16 (Indemnities), all damage, losses, liabilities, claims, actions, costs, expenses (including the cost of legal or professional services, legal costs being on an agent/client, client paying basis), proceedings, demands and charges whether arising under statute, contract or at common law but, to avoid doubt, excluding Indirect Losses;
Direct Losses means affected hotels' losses of hotel guest business attributable to the qualified hotel room supply being added to the market in the state.
Direct Losses means all Losses other than Indirect Losses;
Direct Losses means, in respect of a condition, event or omission, without duplication, all damages, losses, liabilities, claims, actions, costs, expenses (including the cost of legal or professional services), proceedings, demands and charges (subject to any duty to mitigate at Law), whether arising under statute, contract or at common law, which result directly from such condition, event or omission and which, in the case of negligence, are reasonably foreseeable as likely to occur:
Direct Losses means, in relation to a Party, the actual losses or damages sustained by the Party that arise in the usual course but not any special, indirect, consequential or incidental losses or damages (whether or not they were or ought to have been foreseen or known by the other Party) including, but not limited to, loss of business opportunity, business interruption or lost profits, or punitive or exemplary damages;
Direct Losses means all damage, losses, indebtedness, claims, actions, cash, expenses (including the cost of legal or professional services), proceedings, demands, and charges whether arising under statute, contract or at common law but to avoid doubt, excluding Indirect Losses;
Direct Losses means Losses other than: