Derated definition

Derated means any physical change to an emission unit to physically limit and restrict the equipment’s power rating from the power rating specified by the manufacturer on the date of initial manufacture of the equipment.
Derated means an engine which has had its power output permanently lowered and is recorded as such on the Transcript of Registry issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency;
Derated means any physical change to an emission unit to physically limit and restrict the equipment’s power rating from the power rating specified by the manufacturer on the date of initial manufacture of the equipment. [Note 4: The definition is similar to the San Joaquin Valley APCD definition: “De- rated Engine: An internal combustion engine which has been physically limited and restricted by permit conditions to an operational level of 50 horsepower or less.” The Santa Barbara County APCD made it more general to apply to other items (e.g., boilers) in Rule 202. It is necessary to define derated in Rule 102 because Rule 202 refers to Rule 102 in its definition section.]

Examples of Derated in a sentence

  • Mechanical caulking is not permitted for correcting leaks in weld- ed tanks except pinhole leaks in the roof.(v) Derated operations.

  • In the absence of any notification pursuant to Rule 5.5.11, the DSR Bidding Capacity of a DSR CMU must be equal to the De-rated Capacity of that DSR CMU.

  • Subject to Rule 5.5.13A where an Applicant for an Unproven DSR CMU nominates a DSR Bidding Capacity which is lower than the De-rated Capacity of that Unproven DSR CMU, that Applicant may submit a request to the CM Settlement Body for a portion of its Applicant Credit Cover to be released in accordance with the Regulations.

  • By no later than the date falling 10 Working Days prior to the commencement of the first Bidding Window, an Applicant for a Prequalified DSR CMU may issue a notification to the Delivery Body nominating the capacity (in MW) that it wishes to bid into the Capacity Auction with respect to that DSR CMU provided that such capacity is no greater than the De-rated Capacity of such DSR CMU.

  • Equivalent Unplanned Derated Hours (EUDH): An Unplanned Deration (Forced Deration) occurs when the PV System experiences a Deration that requires a reduction in availability before the end of the nearest following weekend.

  • Equivalent Planned Derated Hours (EPDH) includes Planned Derations (PD) and Maintenance Derations (D4).

  • Equivalent Reserve Shutdown Derated Turbine Hours (ERSDTH): are the equivalent reserve shutdown hours when turbine output is reduced for economic reasons.

  • Purchaser and Parent may allow the Offer to expire without accepting for payment or paying for any Shares, on the terms and conditions set forth in the Offer to Purchase (as defined in the Merger Agreement), and may allow the Option to expire without exercising the Option and purchasing all or any Shares pursuant to such exercise.

  • De-rated capacity” is the generating system average capacity based on available Renewable Fuel resource and is the capacity used to determine the incentive amount.• Provide a signed affidavit stating that the unit will comply with the SGIP Renewable Fuel requirements.

  • De-rated Engine: an internal combustion engine which has been physically limited and restricted by permit condition to an operational level of less than 50 horsepower.

Related to Derated

  • Moderate means violations that result in negative outcome and actual or potential harm for a resident.

  • Severe food allergy means a dangerous or life-threatening reac- tion of the human body to a food-borne allergen introduced by in- halation, ingestion, or skin contact that requires immediate medical attention.

  • Upset means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation.

  • constable means a police officer, a British Transport Police officer, an officer of HM Revenue and Customs and any other official with a power of arrest by virtue of his or her office. It does not include any other investigators, e.g. government departments, local authority or Serious Fraud Office even if they have power to search premises or are required by section 66(9) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) to have regard to the PACE Codes of Practice;

  • Mental, Nervous or Psychological Disorder means a mental or nervous health condition including, but not limited to: anxiety, depression, neurosis, phobia, psychosis; or any related physical manifestation.

  • Moderator means, in connection with this DPA, a verified adult affiliated with and authorized by the Educational Institution to moderate a Student Account or a Classroom, as permitted by the Service.

  • Degradation means a decrease in the useful life of the right-of-way caused by excavation in or disturbance of the right-of-way, resulting in the need to reconstruct such right-of-way earlier than would be required if the excavation or disturbance did not occur.

  • Planned means entered in the Working Timetable;

  • Shadow tray means a device attached to the radiation head to support auxiliary beam blocking material.

  • Pain means an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. Pain is an individual, multifactorial experience influenced by culture, previous pain events, beliefs, mood and ability to cope.

  • Quantifiable means, in the context of offset projects, the ability to accurately measure and calculate GHG reductions or GHG removal enhancements relative to a project baseline in a reliable and replicable manner for all GHG emission sources, GHG sinks, or GHG reservoirs included within the offset project boundary, while accounting for uncertainty and activity-shifting leakage and market-shifting leakage.

  • Measurable means the amount of the transaction can be determined and “available” means collectible with the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. State equalization monies are recognized as revenue during the period in which they are appropriated. A one- year availability period is used for revenue recognition for all other governmental fund revenues.

  • Mental disorder means any organic, mental, or emotional

  • Stable means that a rating is not likely to change

  • Extreme performance coating means coatings designed for harsh exposure or extreme environmental conditions.

  • Vehicle measuring attitude means the position of the vehicle as defined by the co-ordinates of fiducial marks in the three-dimensional reference system.

  • NCZ Examined Project means any Generator or UDR project that is not exempt pursuant to and either (i) is in a Class Year on the date the Commission accepts the first ICAP Demand Curve to apply to a Mitigated Capacity Zone or (ii) meets the criteria specified in An NCZ Examined Project may be at any phase of development or in operation or an Installed Capacity Supplier.For purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “Net CONE” shall mean the localized levelized embedded costs of a peaking unit in a Mitigated Capacity Zone, net of the likely projected annual Energy and Ancillary Services revenues of such unit, as determined in connection with establishing the Demand Curve for a Mitigated Capacity Zone pursuant to Section of the Services Tariff, or as escalated as specified in Section of Attachment H.

  • Identifiable includes that the expenditures are recorded in the IP’s accounting system and that the accounting system shows which transactions represent the expenditures reported for each line on the FACE form. The term “verifiable” includes that the expenditures may be confirmed by the records in Article IX.)

  • Extremity means hand, elbow, arm below the elbow, foot, knee, and leg below the knee.

  • Flooding means a volume of water that is too great to be confined within the banks or walls of the stream, water body or conveyance system and that overflows onto adjacent lands, thereby causing or threatening damage.

  • Bedrock means continuous rock that underlies the soil or is exposed at the surface. Bedrock is generally considered impervious, but if fractured or deteriorated, it may allow effluent to pass through without adequate treatment.

  • Peak Season means the weeks containing the 24th through 36th Wednesdays of the calendar year. Each such week shall begin on a Monday and end on the following Sunday, except for the week containing the 36th Wednesday, which shall end on the following Friday.