De facto partner definition

De facto partner means a person who, although not legally married to the employee, lives with the employee in a relationship as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (whether the employee and the person are of the same sex or different sexes) and includes a former de facto partner of the employee.
De facto partner means a person who, although not legally married to the Employee, lives with the Employee in a relationship as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (whether the Employee and the person are of the same sex or different sexes) and includes a former de facto partner of the Employee.
De facto partner means a relationship (other than a legal marriage) between two persons who live together in a ‘marriage-like’ relationship and includes same sex partners.

More Definitions of De facto partner

De facto partner means a person of either opposite or same sex who is co- habiting with another person as that person's partner on a bona fide domestic basis, although not actually married to that person, as if for all intents and purposes they are lawfully married; and
De facto partner means a person who is co-habiting with another as that person’s partner, although not actually married to that person;
De facto partner has the same meaning as the definition provided in Part 1-2, Division 2 – the Dictionary, of the Fair Work Act 2009.
De facto partner means a relationship (other than a legal marriage) between two persons who live together in a ‘marriage-like’ relationship and includes same sex Partners.
De facto partner means a relationship (other than a legal marriage) between two persons, of either different sexes or the same sex, who live together in a “marriage-like” relationship, as provided for by the Interpretation Act 1984 as amended from time to time.
De facto partner means a person who, although not legally married to the employee, lives with them in a relationship as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (including same sex relationships).
De facto partner in relation to an employee means: