Examples of customs territory of the Union in a sentence
An export authorisation under Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005 is not required for supplies to a country or territory that is part of the customs territory of the Union, which for the purpose of this Regulation includes Ceuta, Helgoland and Melilla (Article 18(2)).
Goods shall only be imported into the customs territory of the Union by an authorised CBAM declarant.
These goods would be under customs supervision until they exit the customs territory of the Union (see Article 267(1) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 9 October 2013, laying down the Union Customs Code).
Except where the decision provides that its effect is limited to one or several Member States, decisions relating to the application of the customs legislation shall be valid throughout the customs territory of the Union.
Imports by Air 5.1 Law and General Procedure 5.1.1 General legal position and impact Under Article 133 UCC, the operator of an aircraft entering the customs territory of the Union shall notify the arrival to the customs office of first entry upon arrival of the means of transport.