Examples of Control Eligible Certificates in a sentence
After the Appraised-Out Class is no longer entitled to exercise the rights of the Controlling Class, the rights of the Controlling Class shall be exercised by the Class of Control Eligible Certificates immediately senior to such Appraised-Out Class, if any, unless a recalculation results in the reinstatement of the Appraised-Out Class as the Controlling Class.
With respect to each Class of Control Eligible Certificates, the right to present the Special Servicer with additional Appraisals as provided in this paragraph is limited to no more frequently than once in any 12-month period.
Any Appraised-Out Class shall not be entitled to exercise any rights of the Controlling Class until such time, if any, as such Class is reinstated as the Controlling Class; and the rights of the Controlling Class will be exercised by the Holders of the next most senior Class of Control Eligible Certificates that is not an Appraised-Out Class, if any.
For the avoidance of doubt, for purposes of determining the Controlling Class or the occurrence of a Control Termination Event or an Operating Advisor Consultation Trigger Event, any Class of Control Eligible Certificates shall be allocated the Non-Vertically Retained Percentage of both applicable Appraisal Reduction Amounts and applicable Collateral Deficiency Amounts, in accordance with the preceding two sentences.
Any Appraised-Out Class(es) (together with any other Classes of Control Eligible Certificates affected by such Appraisal Reduction) shall have the related Aggregate Certificate Balance(s) notionally restored to the extent required by such recalculation of the Appraisal Reduction, and there will be a redetermination of whether a Subordinate Control Period, a Collective Consultation Period or a Senior Consultation Period is then in effect, as applicable.