Contingent liability or guarantee definition

Contingent liability or guarantee means a credit agreement which acts as a guarantee to another separate but ancillary transaction, and where the capital secured against an immovable property is only drawn down if an event or events specified in the contract occur.
Contingent liability or guarantee means a credit agreement which acts as a guarantee to another separate but ancillary transaction, and where the capital secured against an immovable property is only drawn down if an event or events specified in the contract occur; “Bridging loan” means a credit agreement either of no fixed duration or which is due to be repaid within 12 months, used by the consumer as a temporary financing solution while transitioning to another financial arrangement for the immovable property; “appointed representative” has the meaning attributed to this term by the Directive 2017/14/EU; “European Commission” means the Commission of the European Communities;
Contingent liability or guarantee means a mortgage credit agreement which acts as a guarantee to another separate but ancillary transaction, and where the capital secured against an immovable property is only drawn down if an event specified in the agreement occurs;

More Definitions of Contingent liability or guarantee

Contingent liability or guarantee means a loan agreement which acts as a guarantee for another separate but ancillary transaction, and where the loan principal secured by immovable property is only drawn down if an event or events specified in the agreement occurs.
Contingent liability or guarantee means a credit agreement which acts as a guarantee to another separate but ancillary transaction, and where the capital secured against an
Contingent liability or guarantee means a loan agreement which acts as a guarantee for another separate and ancillary transaction, where the capital secured against an immovable property is only drawn down if an event or events specified in the agreement occur;

Related to Contingent liability or guarantee

  • Contingent Liability means any agreement, undertaking or arrangement by which any Person guarantees, endorses or otherwise becomes or is contingently liable upon (by direct or indirect agreement, contingent or otherwise, to provide funds for payment, to supply funds to, or otherwise to invest in, a debtor, or otherwise to assure a creditor against loss) the indebtedness, obligation or any other liability of any other Person (other than by endorsements of instruments in the course of collection), or guarantees the payment of dividends or other distributions upon the shares of any other Person. The amount of any Person’s obligation under any Contingent Liability shall (subject to any limitation set forth therein) be deemed to be the outstanding principal amount (or maximum outstanding principal amount, if larger) of the debt, obligation or other liability guaranteed thereby.

  • Contingent Liabilities means, respectively, each obligation and liability of the Credit Parties and all such obligations and liabilities of the Credit Parties incurred pursuant to any agreement, undertaking or arrangement by which any Credit Party either: (i) guarantees, endorses or otherwise becomes or is contingently liable upon (by direct or indirect agreement, contingent or otherwise, to provide funds for payment, to supply funds to, or otherwise to invest in, a debtor, or otherwise to assure a creditor against loss) the indebtedness, dividend, obligation or other liability of any other Person in any manner (other than by endorsement of instruments in the course of collection), including without limitation, any indebtedness, dividend or other obligation which may be issued or incurred at some future time; (ii) guarantees the payment of dividends or other distributions upon the shares or ownership interest of any other Person; (iii) undertakes or agrees (whether contingently or otherwise): (A) to purchase, repurchase, or otherwise acquire any indebtedness, obligation or liability of any other Person or any property or assets constituting security therefor; (B) to advance or provide funds for the payment or discharge of any indebtedness, obligation or liability of any other Person (whether in the form of loans, advances, stock purchases, capital contributions or otherwise), or to maintain solvency, assets, level of income, working capital or other financial condition of any other Person; or (C) to make payment to any other Person other than for value received; (iv) agrees to lease property or to purchase securities, property or services from such other Person with the purpose or intent of assuring the owner of such indebtedness or obligation of the ability of such other Person to make payment of the indebtedness or obligation; (v) to induce the issuance of, or in connection with the issuance of, any letter of credit for the benefit of such other Person; or (vi) undertakes or agrees otherwise to assure or insure a creditor against loss. The amount of any Contingent Liability shall (subject to any limitation set forth herein) be deemed to be the outstanding principal amount (or maximum permitted principal amount, if larger) of the indebtedness, obligation or other liability guaranteed or supported thereby.

  • Identified Contingent Liabilities means the maximum estimated amount of liabilities reasonably likely to result from pending litigation, asserted claims and assessments, guaranties, uninsured risks and other contingent liabilities of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole after giving effect to the Transactions (including all fees and expenses related thereto but exclusive of such contingent liabilities to the extent reflected in Stated Liabilities), as identified and explained in terms of their nature and estimated magnitude by responsible officers of the Borrower.

  • Contingent Obligation is, for any Person, any direct or indirect liability, contingent or not, of that Person for (a) any indebtedness, lease, dividend, letter of credit or other obligation of another such as an obligation directly or indirectly guaranteed, endorsed, co-made, discounted or sold with recourse by that Person, or for which that Person is directly or indirectly liable; (b) any obligations for undrawn letters of credit for the account of that Person; and (c) all obligations from any interest rate, currency or commodity swap agreement, interest rate cap or collar agreement, or other agreement or arrangement designated to protect a Person against fluctuation in interest rates, currency exchange rates or commodity prices; but “Contingent Obligation” does not include endorsements in the ordinary course of business. The amount of a Contingent Obligation is the stated or determined amount of the primary obligation for which the Contingent Obligation is made or, if not determinable, the maximum reasonably anticipated liability for it determined by the Person in good faith; but the amount may not exceed the maximum of the obligations under any guarantee or other support arrangement.

  • Contingent Obligations means, with respect to any Person, any obligation of such Person guaranteeing any leases, dividends or other obligations that do not constitute Indebtedness (“primary obligations”) of any other Person (the “primary obligor”) in any manner, whether directly or indirectly, including, without limitation, any obligation of such Person, whether or not contingent:

  • Guaranty Obligation has the meaning specified in the definition of "Contingent Obligation."

  • Guaranty Obligations means, with respect to any Person, without duplication, any obligations of such Person (other than endorsements in the ordinary course of business of negotiable instruments for deposit or collection) guaranteeing or intended to guarantee any Indebtedness of any other Person in any manner, whether direct or indirect, and including without limitation any obligation, whether or not contingent, (a) to purchase any such Indebtedness or any property constituting security therefor, (b) to advance or provide funds or other support for the payment or purchase of any such Indebtedness or to maintain working capital, solvency or other balance sheet condition of such other Person (including without limitation keep well agreements, maintenance agreements, comfort letters or similar agreements or arrangements) for the benefit of any holder of Indebtedness of such other Person, (c) to lease or purchase property, securities or services primarily for the purpose of assuring the holder of such Indebtedness, or (d) to otherwise assure or hold harmless the holder of such Indebtedness against loss in respect thereof. The amount of any Guaranty Obligation hereunder shall (subject to any limitations set forth therein) be deemed to be an amount equal to the outstanding principal amount (or maximum principal amount, if larger) of the Indebtedness in respect of which such Guaranty Obligation is made.

  • Excluded Hedge Liability or Liabilities means, with respect to each Borrower and Guarantor, each of its Swap Obligations if, and only to the extent that, all or any portion of this Agreement or any Other Document that relates to such Swap Obligation is or becomes illegal under the CEA, or any rule, regulation or order of the CFTC, solely by virtue of such Borrower’s and/or Guarantor’s failure to qualify as an Eligible Contract Participant on the Eligibility Date for such Swap. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the foregoing or in any other provision of this Agreement or any Other Document, the foregoing is subject to the following provisos: (a) if a Swap Obligation arises under a master agreement governing more than one Swap, this definition shall apply only to the portion of such Swap Obligation that is attributable to Swaps for which such guaranty or security interest is or becomes illegal under the CEA, or any rule, regulations or order of the CFTC, solely as a result of the failure by such Borrower or Guarantor for any reason to qualify as an Eligible Contract Participant on the Eligibility Date for such Swap; (b) if a guarantee of a Swap Obligation would cause such obligation to be an Excluded Hedge Liability but the grant of a security interest would not cause such obligation to be an Excluded Hedge Liability, such Swap Obligation shall constitute an Excluded Hedge Liability for purposes of the guaranty but not for purposes of the grant of the security interest; and (c) if there is more than one Borrower or Guarantor executing this Agreement or the Other Documents and a Swap Obligation would be an Excluded Hedge Liability with respect to one or more of such Persons, but not all of them, the definition of Excluded Hedge Liability or Liabilities with respect to each such Person shall only be deemed applicable to (i) the particular Swap Obligations that constitute Excluded Hedge Liabilities with respect to such Person, and (ii) the particular Person with respect to which such Swap Obligations constitute Excluded Hedge Liabilities.

  • Excluded Liability means any liability that is excluded under the Bail-In Legislation from the scope of any Bail-In Action including, without limitation, any liability excluded pursuant to Article 44 of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive.

  • Non-Recourse Indebtedness means Indebtedness the terms of which provide that the lender’s claim for repayment of such Indebtedness is limited solely to a claim against the property which secures such Indebtedness.

  • Total Liabilities is on any day, obligations that should, under GAAP, be classified as liabilities on Borrower’s consolidated balance sheet, including all Indebtedness.

  • Contingent Load means Load payable by the Unit Holder at actual basis to the extent of loss incurred by fund due to disinvestments if Units are redeemed by any major Unit Holder in such period of time that the Management Company believes may adversely affect the interest of other Unit Holder(s). Any Contingent Load received will form part of the Trust Property.

  • Recourse Indebtedness means any Indebtedness other than Nonrecourse Indebtedness.

  • Capitalized Lease Liabilities means all monetary obligations of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries under any leasing or similar arrangement which, in accordance with GAAP, would be classified as capitalized leases, and, for purposes of this Agreement and each other Loan Document, the amount of such obligations shall be the capitalized amount thereof, determined in accordance with GAAP, and the stated maturity thereof shall be the date of the last payment of rent or any other amount due under such lease prior to the first date upon which such lease may be terminated by the lessee without payment of a penalty.

  • Off-Balance Sheet Liability of a Person means (a) any repurchase obligation or liability of such Person with respect to accounts or notes receivable sold by such Person, (b) any indebtedness, liability or obligation under any so-called “synthetic lease” transaction entered into by such Person, or (c) any indebtedness, liability or obligation arising with respect to any other transaction which is the functional equivalent of or takes the place of borrowing but which does not constitute a liability on the balance sheet of such Person (other than operating leases).

  • Consolidated Current Liabilities means, as at any date of determination, the total liabilities of Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis that may properly be classified as current liabilities in conformity with GAAP, excluding the current portion of long term debt.

  • Funded Debt means all Indebtedness of the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries for borrowed money that matures more than one year from the date of its creation or matures within one year from such date that is renewable or extendable, at the option of such Person, to a date more than one year from such date or arises under a revolving credit or similar agreement that obligates the lender or lenders to extend credit during a period of more than one year from such date, including Indebtedness in respect of the Loans.

  • Off-Balance Sheet Obligations means liabilities and obligations of the Borrower, any Subsidiary or any other Person in respect of “off-balance sheet arrangements” (as defined in Item 303(a)(4)(ii) of Regulation S-K promulgated under the Securities Act) which the Borrower would be required to disclose in the “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” section of the Borrower’s report on Form 10-Q or Form 10-K (or their equivalents) which the Borrower is required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (or any Governmental Authority substituted therefor).