Commodities Lending definition

Commodities Lending. “Securities Borrowing” or “Commodities Borrowing” has the meaning given to it in Article 3(7) of SFTR or, with effect from the UK SFTR Reporting Date, the equivalent provision under the UK SFTR Reporting Regime.

Examples of Commodities Lending in a sentence

  • Criteria for the Approval of Models Used to Calculate Minimum Capital Re- quirements for Specific Position Risk and Incremental Default Risk Part 5: Counterparty Credit Risk of Derivative Instruments, Repurchase Transactions, Securities or Commodities Lending or Borrowing Transactions, Long Settlement Transactions and Margin Lending Transactions Chapter 1: Specification of ApplicationArticle 233.

  • Cash, Securities and Commodities under Repurchase Transactions or Securi- ties or Commodities Lending or Borrowing TransactionsArticle 121.

  • For the purposes of Articles 233 to 261 (Counterparty Credit Risk for Derivatives, Repur- chase Transactions, Securities or Commodities Lending Transactions, Long Settlement Trans- actions and Margin Lending Transactions), the terms listed below are defined as follows: 1.

  • Reporting Precious Metal Lending/BorrowingMarket participants should report precious metal lending/borrowing transactions using the Commodities Lending reporting template with the type of SFT set to SLEB.

  • Roberts (2019) 1I gratefully acknowledge Cleo Condoravdi, Judith De- gen, Atticus Geiger, Daniel Lassiter, Christopher Potts, three PaM reviewers, and Stanford’s Construction of Meaning workshop for valuable feedback.

  • Annex 1 Establishing the Exposure Value of Derivative Instruments, Repurchase Transactions, Securities or Commodities Lending or Borrowing Transactions, Long Settlement Transactions and Margin Lending Transactions Section 1.

  • One TR suggested the inclusion of fields “Type of asset”, “Delivery by value”, “Maturity of security” and “Jurisdiction of the issuer” to the Loan Position Set for Securities and Commodities Lending.

Related to Commodities Lending

  • Securities lending or "securities borrowing" means a transaction by which a counterparty transfers securities subject to a commitment that the borrower will return equivalent securities on a future date or when requested to do so by the transferor, that transaction being considered as securities lending for the counterparty transferring the securities and being considered as securities borrowing for the counterparty to which they are transferred;

  • Securities Lending Agreement means an agreement under which a local agency agrees to transfer securities to a borrower who, in turn, agrees to provide collateral to the local agency. During the term of the agreement, both the securities and the collateral are held by a third party. At the conclusion of the agreement, the securities are transferred back to the local agency in return for the collateral.

  • Commodities means positions in Commodity Contracts, forward contracts, foreign exchange positions and traded physical commodities, as well as cash commodities resulting from any of the foregoing positions.

  • Financial Instruments means commodities, securities, and derivatives of all types, including, without limitation, stocks and other equity instruments, bonds and other debt instruments, commodities and futures, forwards, swaps, and options that derive their value from bonds, equities, commodities or indices thereof. EXHIBIT C

  • financial instrument means those instruments specified in Section C of Annex I;

  • foreign financial institution means an institution registered as a foreign financial institution with the Ministry of Finance in the Mexican Banking and Financial Institutions, Pensions, Retirement and Foreign Investment Funds Registry for purposes of Article 195, Section I of the Mexican Income Tax Law.

  • Raw agricultural commodity means any food in its raw or natural state including fruits that are washed, colored, or otherwise treated in their unpeeled natural form before marketing.

  • Bulk commodities means the following commodities, when shipped in rail tank cars, tanker trucks, trailers, other bulk wheeled conveyances, or pipelines:

  • Reporting Financial Institution means a Reporting Finnish Financial Institution or a Reporting U.S. Financial Institution, as the context requires.

  • Qualified United States financial institution means an institution that:

  • Canadian financial institution means (i) an association governed by the Cooperative Credit Associations Act (Canada) or a central cooperative credit society for which an order has been made under section 473(1) of that Act, or (ii) a bank, loan corporation, trust company, trust corporation, insurance company, treasury branch, credit union, caisse populaire, financial services cooperative, or league that, in each case, is authorized by an enactment of Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada to carry on business in Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada;

  • Canadian securities legislation means the applicable securities legislation in force in each province and territory of Canada, all regulations, rules, orders and policies made thereunder and all multilateral and national instruments adopted by the securities regulatory authorities.

  • Securities Financing Transactions Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012;

  • Non-Reporting Financial Institution means any Financial Institution that is:

  • Financial Crime Risk Management Activity means any action to meet Compliance Obligations relating to or in connection with the detection, investigation and prevention of Financial Crime that the Bank or members of the HSBC Group may take.

  • Financial Instruments Accounts Act means the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act (lag (1998:1479) om kontoföring av finansiella instrument).

  • your financial institution means the financial institution nominated by you on the DDR at which the account is maintained.

  • Securities Trading Act means the Securities Trading Act of 2007 no.75 of the Relevant Jurisdiction.

  • Physical Commodities means any physical commodity with respect to which a Commodity Interest is traded on a market specified in the definition of Commodity Shares above.

  • regulated financial institution means a state or nationally chartered bank, savings and loan association or savings bank, credit union, trust company, or other state or federally chartered lending institution or a regulated affiliate or regulated subsidiary of any of these entities.

  • UK Financial Institutions means any BRRD Undertaking (as such term is defined under the PRA Rulebook (as amended from time to time) promulgated by the United Kingdom Prudential Regulation Authority) or any person falling within IFPRU 11.6 of the FCA Handbook (as amended from time to time) promulgated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority, which includes certain credit institutions and investment firms, and certain affiliates of such credit institutions or investment firms.

  • Capital Instruments Regulations means the Delegated Regulation and any other rules or regulations of the Relevant Authority or which are otherwise applicable to the Issuer or the Group (as the case may be and, where applicable), whether introduced before or after the Issue Date of the relevant Series of Notes, which prescribe (alone or in conjunction with any other rules or regulations) the requirements to be fulfilled by financial instruments for their inclusion in the Own Funds to the extent required under the CRD IV Package;

  • Canadian Securities Laws means all applicable securities laws in each of the provinces and territories of Canada and the respective regulations made thereunder, together with applicable published fee schedules, prescribed forms, rules, multilateral or national instruments, orders, rulings and other regulatory instruments issued or adopted by the Securities Commissions.

  • Agricultural commodity means all agricultural, aquacultural, silvicultural, horticultural, floricultural, or viticultural products, livestock or livestock products, Christmas trees, bees, maple syrup, honey, commercial fish or fish products, and seeds produced in this state, either in their natural state or as processed by the producer of the commodity. The kinds, types, and subtypes of products to be classed together as an agricultural commodity for the purposes of this act shall be determined on the basis of common usage and practice.

  • Commodities Accounts (i) shall mean all “commodity accounts” as defined in Article 9 of the UCC and (ii) shall include, without limitation, all of the accounts listed on Schedule 4.4 under the heading “Commodities Accounts” (as such schedule may be amended or supplemented from time to time).

  • Applicable Canadian Securities Laws means, collectively, and as the context may require, the applicable securities legislation of each of the provinces and territories of Canada, and the rules, regulations, instruments, orders and policies published and/or promulgated thereunder, as such may be amended from time to time prior to the Effective Date;