Examples of Combined Transfer in a sentence
Combined Transfer of the Gluteus Maximus and Tensor Fasciae Latae for Irreparable Gluteus Medius Tear Using Contemporary Techniques: Short-Term Outcomes.
Where a day-ahead transfer has failed validation and is a Combined Transfer for a transportation service provided by a different facility operator, AEMO must give a notice to the other facility operator that the Combined Transfer has failed validation and the quantity of the Combined Transfer that must not be made due to the failure.
Where a forward transfer has failed validation and is a Combined Transfer for a transportation service provided by a different facility operator, AEMO must give a notice to the other facility operator that the Combined Transfer has failed validation and the quantity of the Combined Transfer that must not be made due to the failure.
AEMO has notified the facility operator that a Combined Transfer has failed validation and the operational transfer should not proceed.
In the case of programs that offer two or more options, a student may earn an additional Associate Degree by completing the requirements of those options.Orange CoastCollegeThe #1 Combined Transfer School in Orange County...again Associate in Arts Graduation Requirements - 2014-2015 Orange Coast College grants the degree of Associate in Arts.
Closing of the Combined Transfer Ledger and Abstract 7.12 The Combined Transfer Ledger and Abstract should be closed by totaling, under each head the figures in the columns on the left, and carrying into the columns on the right the balance in the case of revenue and expenditure heads, and the totals (except as stated in Note under Article 7.8) in the case of debt, deposit and remittance heads.
With this in mind you may want to consider asking someone else to read through your letter before you give it to the person concerned.
Table 10- Combined Transfer Price from TL to DLs for July-December 2015 Capacity Charge Unit Energy Charge Unit Table 11- Approved Six-month Average Bulk Supply Tariffs for July-December 2015 BST = Bulk Supply Tariff, means the average transfer price from Transmission to Distribution LicenseesE1, E2, E3 refer to the energy delivered in the three time intervals in the time-of-use tariffs regime.
The Contract Facility Operator shall maintain complete copies of all applicant background investigations and make these available to the Department immediately upon request for review and/or audit.
After the Combined Transfer Ledger and Abstract is thus proved by the agreement between the totals of these two columns, an abstract should be drawn up as indicated in Article 4.6. The Departmental Abstracts or the Detailed Book should then be posted from the columns on the right, the poster ticking off each entry, as he posts it.