Color Scheme definition

Color Scheme means either the design or trade dress of a vehicle used as a Taxi or Ramp Taxi that is distinct to the fleet of a Color Scheme business that provides taxi service, or a business that provides taxi-related services to affiliated Drivers and Medallion Holders, including any owner, manager, employee, lessee and any agent of such business.
Color Scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings, permanent fixtures, and wall coverings, or as used on the façade.
Color Scheme means either the design or trade dress of a vehicle used as a Taxi or Ramp Taxi that is distinct to the fleet of a Color Scheme business that provides taxi service, or a business that provides taxi-related services to affiliated

Examples of Color Scheme in a sentence

  • The Statement of Work shall be signed under penalty of perjury by both the Color Scheme and the Medallion Holder designated as Key Personnel.

  • The Color Scheme shall be responsible for submitting proof of employment with the Statement of Work, which shall consist of state or federal tax forms filed with the appropriate regulatory agency.

  • No later than February 1st of each year, each Color Scheme that has designated one or more employees as Key Personnel must submit a written Statement of Work on a form provided by SFMTA, demonstrating the number of hours during the previous calendar year that each of its designated Key Personnel worked on tasks related to the business of the Color Scheme, including but not limited to, office duties, dispatching, cashiering, or performing management duties.

  • Drivers shall record a description of the Found Property on a form provided by the Color Scheme or Dispatch Service, stating whom they have contacted about the Found Property, and whether it was returned to the owner during the shift in which it was discovered, and if not, where and with whom it was left.

  • If it is not possible to return the Found Property before the end of the shift, the Driver shall leave it with the Color Scheme or Dispatch Service at the end of the shift.

  • If during the course of the work shift, any equipment failure makes the continued operation of the Taxi or Ramp Taxi unsafe, including but not limited to a Ramp Taxi without the required number of functional tie-down securements and lap/shoulder seat belts, then the Driver shall immediately return to vehicle to the Color Scheme to be taken out of service.

  • If a Medallion Holder performs at least 750 hours of work as designated Key Personnel for the a Color Scheme during the year but less than 1,500 hours, the Permit Holder shall be entitled to partial credit against the Full-Time Driving requirement on a pro rata basis.

  • Color Scheme Holders shall provide receipts for payments for fuel, Gate Fees, Lease fees or any other payment made by Drivers to Color Schemes.

  • Color Scheme and Dispatch Service changes of address are subject to the prior written approval of the SFMTA.

  • Each Color Scheme will be entitled to designate Key Personnel in accordance with the number of Medallions affiliated with that Color Scheme.

More Definitions of Color Scheme

Color Scheme means the designation of the dome light color and any paint
Color Scheme means selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings, permanent fixtures, and wall coverings, or as used on the façade.
Color Scheme means a planned combination of colors, often based on color wheel concepts. Common color schemes are monochromes (one color), analogs (similar colors), complements (opposite colors) and triads (three colors that are equally distant on a color wheel).
Color Scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings, wall coverings, or as used on the façade. Standardized lighting is considered part of the color scheme.

Related to Color Scheme

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • URGENT CARE CENTER means a healthcare center either affiliated with a hospital or other institution or independently owned and operated. These centers may also be referred to as walk-in centers.

  • Drywell means an unlined or partially lined underground pit (regardless of geometry) into which drainage from roofs, basement floors, water softeners or other non-wastewater sources is discharged and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil.