Collection System definition

Collection System means software used for the collection, tracking, and reporting of 34 outcomes data for Clients enrolled in the FSP programs.
Collection System means a scheme intended or calculated to be used to collect claims sent, prepared or delivered by:
Collection System means a public or private sewer system, consisting of sewer lines, force mains, pump stations or any combination thereof that conveys wastewater to a designated wastewater treatment facility or separately-owned sewer system. For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately-owned sewer system.

Examples of Collection System in a sentence

  • Its infrastructure and equipment installed for the purpose of connecting Taos Pueblo’s Wastewater Collection System with the Town’s Wastewater Collection System, the Interconnection Meter, and all replacements of such infrastructure, equipment, or devices, at the existing point of interconnection and any additional point of interconnection of these systems established pursuant to this Agreement.

  • A sewer flow meter and related infrastructure, including a vault, sample port, flume, if any, and electronic equipment to allow remote meter reading at the existing point of interconnection and any additional point of interconnection of Taos Pueblo’s Wastewater Collection System with the Town’s Wastewater Collection System established pursuant to this Agreement.

  • The purpose of the Collection System Volume is to provide a brief summary section, chapter, that will reference the ongoing work that the City is doing relative to the collection system, reference the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan (SSMP) and its recommendations, reference the Sewer Capacity Analysis study, and the City’s General Plan.

  • Commencing on the Service Commencement Date for each Project Segment and continuing throughout the Term, Developer shall maintain and operate an Electronic Toll Collection System for the Toll Lanes.

  • ETCS Electronic Toll Collection System Abbreviations used in the Contract Documents but not otherwise defined in this DBA shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.1 of the General Conditions.

More Definitions of Collection System

Collection System means the system of sewers and appurtenances for the collection, transportation and pumping of domestic wastewater and industrial wastes.
Collection System means a pipeline or conduit, a pumping station, a force main, or any other device or appurtenance used to collect and conduct wastewater to a central point for treatment and disposal.
Collection System means the composite network of gravity sewers, force mains, lift stations, and other accessories used to receive and to transport sewage to a water pollution treatment/control facility.
Collection System means the municipal wastewater collection and transmission system owned or operated by NEORSD including all pipes, interceptors, force mains, gravity sewer lines, lift stations, pumping stations, manholes and appurtenances thereto designed to collect and convey municipal sewage (domestic, commercial, and industrial) to any of NEORSD’s three WWTPs or to a Combined Sewer Overflow Outfall. “Collection System” includes both NEORSD’s “Combined Sewer System” and its “Sanitary Sewer System.”
Collection System means the collection mechanics described in Section 5.7(a)(i).
Collection System means the sewers, pump stations, force mains, air release valves, vacuum release valves, flow meters, sampling equipment, regulators, and other appurtenant equipment or devices used to convey sewage to the Water Resource and Recovery Facility.
Collection System means all parts of the wastewater collection system owned