Examples of Wastewater treatment facility in a sentence
Junk yard/dump Pig/chicken farm Salvage yard Processing plants Wastewater treatment facility Industrial Distribution facilities (all) Airports Electrical utility substations Liquor Store Prisons Solid waste disposal Adult entertainment/video/ Bar, Club or Lounge Theater Total Negative Points *The Market Study for every project must include a separate section that evidences whether the Project satisfies the positive points listed or incurs the negative points listed above.
Junk yard/dump Pig/chicken farm Salvage yard Processing plants Wastewater treatment facility Industrial Distribution facilities Airports Electrical utility substations Liquor Store Prisons Solid waste disposal Adult entertainment/video/ theater Total Negative Points *The Market Study for every project must include a separate section that evidences whether the Project satisfies the positive points listed or incurs the negative points listed above.
Junk yard or dump Pig or chicken farmSalvage yard Processing plants Wastewater treatment facility AirportsPrison or Jail Solid waste disposal Points will not be deducted for a prison, jail, or detainment facility if it is co-located with a law enforcement office.
Wastewater treatment facility of adequate capacity to treat the sewage to Azerbaijan standards is also being constructed.
Wastewater treatment facility climate resilience projects shall be subject to all applicable state and federal permitting requirements.