CMSL definition

CMSL means a Capital Markets Services Licence issued under the CMSA;
CMSL means the Campbell Mountain Sanitary Landfill

Examples of CMSL in a sentence

  • Where a contract that is settled on a delivery-versus-payment basis has been offset by a contra contract on or before the due date of settlement of the contract, or has been offset by a forced sale or buying-in transaction after the due date of the contract, a CMSL shall calculate a counterparty risk requirement in accordance with paragraphs 5.2.7 to 5.2.11.

  • Subject to paragraphs 12 to 17, a CMSL shall apply a risk weight to any counterparty exposure to a banking institution or a merchant bank in accordance with Table 5B-5.

  • A CMSL shall not recognise the effects of netting, collateralisation or other credit risk mitigants in reducing the counterparty exposure if such effects are already reflected in the issue-specific external credit assessment of the counterparty exposure.

  • A CMSL shall calculate an individual counterparty risk requirement on any positive counterparty exposure calculated in accordance with paragraph 5.2.5 as 8% of the counterparty exposure.

  • A CMSL may apply a 0% risk weight to cheques, drafts and other items drawn on banking institutions or merchant banks that are either payable immediately upon presentation or that are in the process of collection if the aggregate exposures to a counterparty arising from cheques, drafts and other items drawn on banking institutions or merchant banks that are either payable immediately upon presentation or that are in the process of collection do not exceed $20,000.

  • A CMSL shall not pick and choose the assessments provided by different recognised ECAIs nor arbitrarily change its choice of recognised ECAIs for each type of exposure after its initial selection.

  • For the purposes of paragraphs 5.2.1 to 5.2.6, a CMSL shall not offset a positive counterparty exposure against any negative counterparty exposure, whether arising from an open contract or a contract that remains unsettled on or after the due date, to the same counterparty.

  • Valuation6.1.5 A CMSL shall value, on a daily basis, any position at the current market value of the position.

  • A CMSL shall not use external credit assessments for a counterparty within a group to risk-weight other counterparties within the same group.

  • For any counterparty exposure to a banking institution or merchant bank that does not have an external credit assessment by a recognised ECAI, a CMSL shall apply the risk weight determined in accordance with Table 5B-5 or the risk weight that is applicable to a counterparty exposure to the central government of the jurisdiction in which the banking institution or merchant bank is incorporated or established, whichever is higher.

Related to CMSL

  • CCR means the California Code of Regulations.

  • CSDCC means the China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. “CSRC” means the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

  • CMS means the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

  • CFPC means the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

  • CSDP means the Central Securities Depository Prague

  • CCI means Charter Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any successor Person thereto.

  • ESMP means an environmental and social management plan (including any pest management plan), acceptable to the Association and consistent with the ESMF, adopted for the purposes of a Micro-project, and giving details of the magnitude of the environmental impacts, as well as the specific actions, measures and policies designed to facilitate the achievement of the objective of the ESMF under the Micro-project, including the budget and cost estimates, and sources of funding, along with the institutional and procedural measures needed to implement such actions, measures and policies, as such ESMP may be amended form time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association.

  • EG means the Enforcement Guide;

  • CIS means a UCITS or other alternative investment fund within the meaning of Regulation 68(1)(e) of the Regulations and which is prohibited from investing more than 10% of its assets in other such collective investment schemes;

  • PSC means the New York State Public Service Commission.

  • Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) [replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No.18 of 2013)] and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund.

  • MB means megabyte, which is equal to 1024 kilobytes or 1,048,576 bytes of digital information.

  • EMT means EMTs-basic, EMTs-I, and paramedics that provide emergency medical services for a public emergency medical service organization. "Emergency medical service organization," "EMT-basic," "EMT-I," and "paramedic" have the meanings defined in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code.

  • Alliance means the Public Service Alliance of Canada;

  • PMC means Project Management Consultant who is designated supervision agency during execution of this project.