Cesspool definition

Cesspool means an unlined or partially lined underground pit or underground perforated receptacle into which raw household wastewater is discharged and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil. Cesspool does not include a septic tank.
Cesspool means an excavation in the ground receiving domestic wastewater, designed to retain the organic matter and solids, while allowing the liquids to seep into the soil. Cesspools differ from seepage pits because cesspool systems do not have septic tanks and are not authorized under this Policy. The term cesspool does not include pit-privies and out-houses which are not regulated under this Policy.
Cesspool means a drywell that receives untreated sanitary waste containing human excreta, and which sometimes has an open bottom and/or perforated sides.

Examples of Cesspool in a sentence

  • Cesspool replacement with septic tanks, aerobic units, constructed wetlands or treatment plants.

  • Cesspool means a ‘‘drywell’’ that re- ceives untreated sanitary waste con- taining human excreta, and which sometimes has an open bottom and/orperforated sides.Contaminant means any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water.Director means the Regional Adminis- trator, the State director or the Tribal director as the context requires, or an authorized representative.

  • Cesspool - A pit with open-jointed linings or holes in the bottom and/or sidewalls into which raw sewage is discharged, the liquid portion of the sewage being disposed of by seeping or leaching into the surrounding soils, and the solids or sludge being retained in the pit.

  • Cesspool abandonment is recommended and typically occurs at the time of a real estate transaction.

  • SECTION 4INTRODUCTION 4.1 Background:Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai provides various refuse and non- refuse vehicular services of essential nature which comprise of Refuse Compactors, Refuse Dumpers,Trucks, Fire Fighters, Breakdown Vehicles, Cesspool Vehicles, Water Tankers, etc.

More Definitions of Cesspool

Cesspool means a pit receiving untreated sewage and allowing the liquid to seep into the surrounding soil or rock.
Cesspool means a cavity in the ground that receives waste to be partially absorbed directly or indirectly by the surrounding soil.
Cesspool means a covered pit, with a porous lining, into which wastewater is discharged and allowed to seep or leach into the surrounding soils with or without an absorption facility. Note: Cesspools cannot be certified for real estate transfers.
Cesspool means an underground pit into which domestic waste is discharged and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil or is otherwise removed.
Cesspool means any buried chamber, including, but not limited to, any perforated metal tank, perforated concrete vault or covered hollow or excavation, which receives discharges of wastewater from a building sewer for the purpose of collecting solids and discharging liquids to the surrounding soil.
Cesspool means an excavation (deeper than it is wide) which receives sewage and from which the sewage seeps into the surrounding soil through the bottom and openings in the side of the pit.
Cesspool means a covered pit with open-jointed lining into which untreated sewage is discharged, the liquid portion of which is disposed of by leaching into the surrounding soil, the solids or sludge being retained within the pit.